101. Which among the following statements is not correct?

(a) In past communities used to be self sufficient, politically, socially or economically.

(b) No community can be self sufficient these days

(c) Every community is self sufficient these days


(d) The term community denotes almost uniformly and permanently shared lives of people over a definite range.

102. Which among the following is not true regarding association?

To constitute an association there must be

(a) A group of people


(b) These people must be organised.

(c) They must have a common purpose of a specific nature to pursue

(d) Associations do have inbuilt purposes

103. The social arrangement in which a group of people plans the activities which others are obliged to participate in is called


(a) Informal organisation

(b) Formal organisation

(c) Association

(d) Social group


104. Modern sociological analysis of formal organisation began with the work of

(a) G. C. Homan

(b) Robert Redfield

(c) Max Weber


(d) Ross

105. An act is considered legitimate or morally acceptable when it is in harmony with

(a) Norms

(b) Accepted values


(c) Folkways

(d) Mores

106. Which among the following is not true regarding value?

(a) Values guide a person’s behaviour

(b) Values guide a person’s judgment

(c) Values are unimportant parts of culture.

(d) Values are an important part of every culture.

107. Which among the following is not true regarding norm?

(a) A norm is a rule

(b) A norm is a standard for action

(c) A norm is a pattern for action

(d) A norm is a value

108. The concept of Folkways and Mores are forwarded by

(a) Maclver

(b) H.M. Johnson

(c) Morgan

(d) W.G Sumner

109. ______refers to norms that are looked on by the members of society as not being extremely important and may be violated without any severe punishment,

(a) Mores

(b) Values

(c) Norms

(d) Folkways

110._________are the norms that are looked on by the members of a society as being extremely important and violation of which results in severe punishment,

(a) Norms

(b) Values

(c) Mores

(d) Folkways

111. Who was of the opinion that strict adherence to the norms of society itself produces a type of deviance?

(a) Howard Becker

(b) Parsons

(c) Robert M. Williams

(d) Sutherland

112. Non-conformity to social norms is called

(a) Social change

(b) Deviance

(c) Social conflict

(d) Struggle

113. According to Sumner ‘Mores’ are

(a) Popular habits and tradition

(b) Tradition

(c) Customs

(d) Culture of society

114. A form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end is called

(a) Association

(b) Cooperation

(c) Organisation

(d) Accommodation

115. Accommodation is essentially a process of

(a) Adjustment

(b) Cooperation

(c) Group formation

(d) Competition

116. A person cannot become a functioning member of his group if he/she did not___ himself / her to its environment.

(a) Associate

(b) Adjust

(c) Accommodate

(d) Assimilate

117. Who has classified accommodation in two types?

(a) Park and Burgess

(b) Park & Redfield

(c) Robert Redfield

(d) R. E. Park

118. There are two types of accommodation, namely

(a) Acclimatisation and Naturalisation

(b) Assimilation and Acculturation

(c) Association and Organisation

(d) Assimilation and Naturalisation

119. Acclimatisation refers to

(a) Coming to term with new climate, type of soil, weather, air

(b) Coming to term with new political situation

(c) Coming to term with new economic situation

(d) Coming to term with new educational and learning situation

120. Naturalisation refers to

(a) Coming to term with new political situation

(b) Coming to term with new economic situation

(c) Coming to term with new social milieu such as folkway, mores, etc

(d) Coming to term with new educational and learning situation

121. “Without______ social life could hardly go on. It checks conflict and enables persons and groups to establish and maintain co­operation”.

(a) Competition

(b) Accommodation

(c) Association

(d) Organisation

122. “Process of uniting of formerly separate groups into one group with obliteration of separate group differences and identification” is known as

(a) Competition

(b) Assimilation

(c) Integration

(d) Acclimatisation

123.________ defined competition as the most elementary type of the four major forms of interaction. It is an aspect of human struggle which is universal, continuous and impersonal.

(a) Park and Burgress

(b) Saint Simon

(c) Ross

(d) Albion Small

124. “Interaction without social contact” is

(a) Integration

(b) Assimilation

(c) Competition

(d) Association

125. Who is to perform what function is determined by

(a) Competition

(b) Conflict

(c) Association

(d) Bargaining

126. Who has defined Culture as ‘a body of shared understandings”?

(a) Redfield

(b) Taylor

(c) Frazer

(d) Herskowits

127. The book ‘The Fok Culture of Yucatan’ is written by

(a) Oscar Lewis

(b) R.E. Park

(c) Redfield

(d) Geddess

128. Who considered Culture ‘as essentially a response to human needs’?

(a) Redfield

(b) Radcliffe Brown

(c) Malinowski

(d) Herskowits

129. “A Scientific Theory of Culture’ is the work of

(a) Frazer

(b) Radcliffe Brown

(c) Malinowski

(d) Redfield

130. Established modes of thought and action is called

(a) Culture

(b) Personality

(c) Behaviour

(d) Customs

131. The term ‘Diffusion’ as used by anthropologists refers to the spread of elements of

(a) Customs

(b) Way of life

(c) Culture

(d) Norm

132. Which book is considered to be the ‘Bible of Sociology’?

(a) ‘Folkways’

(b) ‘Mind and Society’

(c) ‘Sociological Tradition’

(d) ‘Masters of Sociology’

133. The Book “Folkways” was written in the year

(a) 1857

(b) 1906

(c) 1887

(d) 1916

134. The Book ‘Folkways’ was written by

(a) W.G. Sumner

(b) Pareto

(c) Maclver

(d) Redfield

135. Which among the following statements regarding Folkways is not true?

(a) Folkways result from the frequent repetition of acts

(b)Folkways are habits in the individual

(c) Folkways are customs in the group.

(d) Folkways are traditions.

136. The expectations between a focal position and a number of different counter positions make up

(a) Multiple roles

(b) Plural role

(c) Role set

(d) Role relation

137. Merton has proposed his theory of role-set in his book

(a) ‘Social Theory and Social Structure’

(b)’Sociological Theories’

(c) ‘New Trends in Sociology’

(d)’Challenges Before Sociology’

138. A local doctor will have role relations with patients, with the doctors of the local hospitals and with his fellow doctors as a member of his professional association and so on. It can be best categorised as

(a) Role set

(b) Role taking

(c) Role concurrence

(d) Plural role

139. The concept of role handicap was introduced by

(a) R.K. Merton

(b) R. Linton

(c) H.D. Kirk

(d) Malinowski

140. The contrasts between people in certain kind of situation, where the culture provides in the one case for behavioural expectations and in the other case it does not do so or does inadequately. These phenomena may be explained by the concept of

(a) Role expectation

(b) Role handicap

(b) Role handicap (c) role relations

(d) Role maturity

141. Who among the following has distinguished between diffused and organised sanctions?

(a) Radcliffe Brown

(b) Sutherland

(c) Malinowski

(d) Talcott Parsons

142. Normative culture is that sub-division of non- material culture that consists of

(a) Norms

(b) Values

(c) Mores

(d) Standard way

143. Cognitive culture consists of the_______aspects of a cultural system.

(a) Mental

(b) Social

(c) Economical

(d) Religious

144. The Primary civilisation of India is divided into

(a) Little tradition and great tradition

(b) Big tradition and small tradition

(c) Educated tradition and uneducated tradition

(d) Rural tradition and caste tradition

145. Little tradition refers to

(a) Folk or unlettered peasants

(b) Urban culture

(c) Caste system

(d) Village jajmani system

146. Social organisation means

(a) Planned activities

(b) Organised activities

(c) Calculated activities

(d) Defined activities

147. Social control has two aspects. These are

(a) Pressure oriented and value oriented

(b) Pressure oriented and norms oriented

(c) Culture oriented and customs oriented

(d) Religion oriented and education oriented

148. The organised forms of social behaviour and their repetition are called

(a) Culture

(b) Value

(c) Customs

(d) Norms

149. Customs are also called

(a) Culture

(b) Value

(c) Folkways

(d) Mores

150. When the balance between the material and non-material culture is disrupted by rapid social change, the material culture changes rapidly and the non-material culture is left behind. This situation is called

(a) Left culture

(b) far-culture

(c) Cultural lags

(d) Taken culture



102. (d)

103. (b)

104. (c)

105. (b)

106. (c)

107. (d)

108. (d)

109. (d)

110. (c)


112. (b)

113. (a)

114. (b)

115. (a)

116. (c)

117. (a)

118. (a)

119. (a)

120. (c)


122. (c)

123. (a)

124. (c)

125. (a)

126. (a)

127. (c)

128. (c)

129. (c)

130. (d)


132. (a)

133. (b)

134. (a)

135. (d)

136. (c)

137. (a)

138. (a)

139. (c)

140. (b)


142. (a)

143. (a)

144. (a)

145. (a)

146. (a)

147. (a)

148. (c)

149. (c)

150. (c)