
1. Which of the following are correctly matched (I.F.S. 1993)

1. Gneiss: Metamorphic 2. Granite: Igneous 3. Sandstone: Sedimentary

(a) 1 only


1 and 2

(c) 2 and 3


1, 2 and 3

2. Matchthefollowing:

A. Mantle


Heavy rocks lithosphere

B. Sima


Layer below earth’s crust

C. Sial


Light rocks of lithosphere

D. Bill


Small peninsula ABCD



(a) 3 14 2


4 3 2 1

(c) 2 1 3 4


1 2 3 4


3. If the original clay sediments are subjected to high temperature and pressure, they successively change into rocks, the correct order of which is

(a) Slate, Shale, Schist (b) Shale, Schist, Slate (e) Slate, Schist, Shale (d) Shale, Slate, Schist

4. Artesian wells are found in (Asst. Grade, 1992)

(a) Sedimentary rocks (b) Igneous rocks

(c) Metamorphic rocks (d) none of these

5. The term ‘rock’ comprises (UJ).C. 1993)

(a) An aggregate of minerals, usually two or more

(b) A naturally occurring mass of solid, inorganic or organic

(c) Forming a firm and coherent mass of the earth’s crust

(d) All of the above

6. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of

(a) Metamorphism (b) Deposition

(c) Weathering (d) Solidification

7. Choose the correct statement about Sedimentary rocks: (Teacher’s Exam, 1994)

(a) These rocks cannot be formed under water

(b) These rocks are crystalline

(c) The structure of these rocks is contingent on heat and pressure

(d) These rocks have been deposited in layers

8. Sandstone belongs to

(a) Arenaceous rocks (b) Argillaceous rocks

(c) Carbonaceous rocks (d) Calcareous rocks

9. The igneous rocks are formed due to (C.D.S. 92)

(a) Accumulation of sediments at the bottom of sea

(b) Granitisation

(c) Disintegration of magma

(d) Altering of metamorphic rocks

10 In which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?

(a) Granite (b) Igneous

(c) Metamorphic (d) Sedimentary

11 Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? (C.D.S. 1991) Metamorphic rocks Derived from

(a) Schist Dolomite

(b) Slate Granite

(c) Gneiss Basalt

(d) Quartzite Sandstone

12. Sandstone belongs to fl.ES. 1988)

(a) Carbonaceous rocks (b) Calcareous rocks

(c) Argillaceous rocks (d) Arenaceous rocks

13. The formation of Extrusive rocks takes place

(a) By solidification of magma above the earth’s surface

(b) Due to excessive pressure at great depths

(c) By deposition of magma at a great depth

(d) At an intermediate depth by transformation

14. Match the following: (N.D.A. 1995)

A. Plutonic Rock 1. Marble

B. Volcanic Rock 2. Gabbro

C. Sedimentary Rock 3. Basalt

D. Metamorphic Rock 4. Sandstone


(a) 3 1 4 2 (b) 2 3 4 1

(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 2 3 1 4

15. Grit is another name for

(a) Shale (b) Sandstone

(c) Granite (d) Breccia

16. Innermost part of earth is made of (I.F.S. 1990)

(a) Sial (b) Sima

(c) Nife (d) Ag

17. Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?

(a) Limestone (b) Marble

(c) Sandstone (d) Shale

18. Which metal is most abundant in the earth’s crust?

(a) Calcium (b) Magnesium

(c) Aluminium (d) Iron

19. Which of the following pairs is correct?

(a) Shale – possesses laminations

(b) Quartzite – soft rock

(c) Granite – sometimes contains fossils

(d) Basalt – coarse grained rock

20. Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble? (N.D.A. 1991)

(a) Granite (b) Limestone

(c) Peat (d) Shale

21. Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?

(a) Slate (b) Sandstone

(c) Shale (d) Limestone

22. The principal reason for the formation of metamorphic rocks is

(a) Decomposition of sediments

(b) Deposition of remains of plants and animals

(c) Extreme of heat and pressure

(d) Solidification of magma

23. Terra Rossa which typically develops in terrains is composed of (Teachers’ Exam. 1994)

(a) Limestone (b) Syenite

(c) Granite (d) Red sandstone

24. Which is the correct order of sedimentary rocks from those having larger constituent grains to those with smaller grains?

(a) Conglomerate, Sandstone, Shale

(b) Shale, Conglomerate, Sandstone

(c) Sandstone, Shale, Conglomerate

(d) Shale, Sandstone, Conglomerate

25. Artesian wells are formed in

(a) Basalt rocks (b) Coral rocks

(c) Aquifer rocks (d) Dykes

26. Earth’s crust below the oceans is composed of

(a) Sedimentary rocks (b) Igneous rocks (c) Metamorphic rocks (d) both (b) and (c)

27. In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly found? (I.A.S. 1992)

(a) Old Sedimentary (b) Old Igneous

(c) Old Metamorphic (d) New Metamorphic

28. The intrusion of lava into vertical structures forms Dykes while the intrusion of lava into horizontal layers will form

(a) Laccoliths (b) Lopoliths

(c) Sill (d) Batholiths

29. Dolerite is an example of

(a) Dyke (b) Batholith

(c) Laccolith (d) Lopolith

30. The type of igneous rocks which are formed midway between volcanic and plutonic rocks, are known as

(a) Basalt (b) Hypabyssal

(c) Laccolith (d) Batholith

31. Which of the following is an Argillaceous rock?

(a) Sandstone (b) Shale

(c) Limestone (d) Slate

32. The type of sedimentary rocks formed by the deposition by wind are called

(a) Lacustrine rocks (b) Arenaceous rocks

(c) Aeolean rocks (d) argillaceous rocks

33 Which is the metamorphic equivalent of sandstone?

(a) Graphite (b) Gneiss

(c) Schist (d) Quartzite

34 The dome shaped Plutonic igneous rocks are called

(a) Laccoliths (b) Batholiths

(c) Lopoliths (d) Dyke

35. Coal is an example of

(a) Stone (b) Igneous Rock

(c) Metamorphic Rock (d) Sedimentary Rock

36. Rocks which are formed by the solidification of lava are (M.B.A. 1992)

(a) Sandstone (b) Limestone

(c) Granites (d) Basalts

37. Basalt rock is an example of

(a) Metamorphic rock (b) Igneous rock

(c) Sedimentary rock (d) Sand dune

38. Which of the following is not an intrusive igneous rock?

(a) Laccolith (b) Dyke

(c) Batholith (d) Basalt

39. Match the following:

A. Shale 1. Sedimentary Rock

B. Gabbro 2. Igneous Rock

C. Marble 3. Metamorphic Rock

D. Granite


(a) 3 2 3 1 (b) 1 2 3 2

(c) 1 3 2 1 (d) 2 3 3 2

40. Pumice is derived from

(a) Aquifer rocks (b) Volcanic rocks

(c) Coral rocks (d) Sedimentary rocks

41. The lightest layer of the earth is

(a) Nife (b) Sima

(c) Mantle (d) Sial

42. Density of the core of the earth is expected to be

(a) 2.75 (b) 5

(c) 5.6 (d) 17.2

43. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

(a) Gneiss – Metamorphic (b) Rock Salt – Sedimentary

(c) Dolerite – Igneous (d) Dolomite – Igneous

44. The core of the earth is also known as

(a) Lithosphere (b) Mesosphere

(c) Barysphere (d) Centrosphere

(e) (c) and (d) both

45. Match the following:

Original Rock Metamorphic rock

A. Mica



B. Limestone



C. Granite



D. Shale







(a) 4 15 2


3 24 1

(c) 1 2 3 4


1 53 4

46. Which of the following rocks is a metamorphic equivalent of sandstone?

(N.D.A. 1994)

a) Marble (b) Quartzite

(c) Gneiss (d) Granite

47. What is anthracite?’

(a) A dark colored Metamorphosed sandstone

(b) A soft, colorful limestone

(c) A transformed shiny shale

(d) A hard shiny black coal

48. Tin is found in (Teachers’ Exam, 1994)

(a) Basic Igneous rocks (b) Metamorphic rocks

(c) Placer deposits (d) All of these

49. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is

(a) Aluminium (b) Nitrogen

(c) Oxygen (d) Phosphorus

50. Which of the following layers of the earth is believed to have the heaviest mineral materials of highest density?

(a) Central core (b) Crust

(c) Mantle (d) Both (b) and (c) above


1- (d)

2. (c)


4 . (a)

5. (d)






10. (d)

11. d)

12. (d)

13. (a)



16. (c)




19. (a)

20. (b)

21. a)

22. (c)




26. (a)





30 (b)


32. (c)


34. (a)

35. (d)

36. (d)

37. (b)






42. (d)


44. (c)

45. (a)

46. (b)




49. (c)

50. (a)