71. The Relative Deprivation Approach attempts to

(a) Measure poverty of those below the poverty line

(b) Determine privileges of the rich

(c) Assess the minimum food requirements


(d) Assess the deprivation of a section of population as compared to the others.

72. The form of agronomy, in which land is broken with a digging stick or not with consequent limitation upon the amount of food that can be produced, is called

(a) Agriculture

(b) Horticulture


(c) Pastoral

(d) Food gathering

73. The form of agronomy in which land is broken with a plough making possible large-scale food production is called

(a) Agriculture


(b) Horticulture

(c) Earth digging

(d) Plantation

74. The sector of economy that deals with raw materials including agriculture, fishing, mining, and forestry is called


(a) Primary

(b) Agricultural

(c) Basic

(d) Main


75. A visible and controversial development of the economy is the domination of industries and markets by fewer and fewer corporations. This situation may be termed as

(a) Monopoly

(b) Oligopoly

(c) Competition


(d) Merger

76. The principles a government uses to determine its income and expenditures and the relationship between them is called

(a) Fiscal policy

(b) Budget

(c) Economic policy

(d) Trade policy

77. The total output of goods and services in a national economy is called

(a) Gross national product

(b) Total income

(c) Net income

(d) Gross domestic product

78. Who has considered Government as a regulator and subsidizer of the economy?

(a) J.M. Keynes

(b) Adam Smith

(c) Shapero

(d) Herbert Spencer

79. Economic Institution means the system of earning and spending money.” Whose opinion is this?

(a) Ogburn and Nimkoff

(b) Herbert Spencer

(c) Karl Marx

(d) Etzioni

80. Who among the following has discussed primitive economy?

(a) Polayni

(b) Lowie

(c) Hobhouse

(d) Max Weber

81. A sub-field of study called sociology of economic development has been developed after

(a) Industrial Revolution

(b) First world war

(c) Second world war

(d) Great depression of 1930s

82. Which among the following economic orders mainly depends on the geo-physical environment?

1. Primitive economic order

2. Industrial economic order

3. Agrarian economic order


(a) 1 and 3

(b) 1 only

(c) 2 only

(d) 3 only

83. Who among the following has defined classes as occupational groups created by the division of labour and maintained by heredity?

(a) Max Weber

(b) G. Friedmann

(c) G. Schmoller

(d) P. Vinogradoff

84. Who among the following has considered division of labour as first great distinction between manual and intellectual labour?

(a) G. Friedmann

(b) Karl Marx

(c) Lowie

(d) Herskovits

85. Who among the following has examined the effect of modern division of labour on work and leisure?

(a) T. Veblen

(b) Huntington

(c) G. Friedmann

(d) R. Centres

86. Who holds the view that Vedas says that family property is not property of the family. But was the property of the head of house, usually the father, and that the other members of the family only had moral claims upon it which the father could ignore?

(a) Macdonell and Keith

(b) Max Muller

(c) Sacchindananda

(d) S.C. Dubey

87. Property for power, and unlimited individual acquisition of wealth was a product of

(a) Feudalism

(b) Bureaucracy

(c) Capitalism

(d) Aristocracy

88. ‘Natural right theory’ regarding property was propagated by

(a) John Locke

(b) Karl Marx

(c) Hobhouse

(d) Hobbes

89. Permanent settlement of 1793 created in Bengal, and later in other parts of India provided

(a) Tenants the right of ownership

(b) Definite proprietary rights for the zamindars.

(c) Abolition of zamindari system

(d) Abolition of share-cropping system

90. The book ‘Equality’ which examines in detail the inequalities of wealth and income and their connection with the class system is written by

(a) Andre Beteille

(b) Trotsky

(c) R.H. Tawney

(d) Lowie

91. The book “Rich and the Super Rich” is written by

(a) F. Lundberg

(b) C.W. Mills

(c) J. Burnham

(d) W. Pareto

92. Classification of society similar to that of Marx has been proposed by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Bucher and Sombart

(c) Hobhouse

(d) F. Tonnies

93. Who among the following in a comprehensive survey of primitive societies shows that there is very considerable variation in institutions within the same economic type?

(a) Daryll Forde

(b) Lowie

(c) Herskovits

(d) Poincare

94. Who among the following, distinguished several stages in the social history of capitalism?

(a) H. Pirenne

(b) H. Maine

(c) K. Marx

(d) Herskovits

95. Who among the following has suggested a parallel between the concentration of productive powers and the concentration of administrative power?

(a) Max Weber

(b) C.W. Mills

(c) Ralph Dahrendoft

(d) T. Parsons

96. Who among the following is author of essay titled “Politics as a Vocation”?

(a) Ralph Dahrendorf

(b) Ralph Dahl

(c) Max Weber

(d) C.W. Mills

97. Who felt that socialism might result, not in the liberation of man, but in his enslavement to an all powerful bureaucracy?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Max Weber

(c) F. Engels

(d) Edward Shils

98. Who among the following sees a conflict between political democracy and the oligarchic tendencies of modern capitalism?

(a) John Rex

(b) Max Weber

(c) John Strachey

(d) C.W. Mills

99. Who among the following notes the emergence of mass society in U.S.A in which power becomes increasingly concentrated in the hands of the leaders of large scale organisations, in the economic field and elsewhere?

(a) C.W. Mills

(b) E. Shils

(c) T. Parsons

(d) Goffman

100. Who among the following has referred to ‘arrested economic development’ for the slow pace of industrialization in India?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) Mahalnombis

(c) Dr. Anstey

(d) Amartya Sen

101. Whatever the degree of fusion or differentiation in the economy, the process of production requires four factors, which have been named, respectively, land, capital, labour and entrepreneurship. Just as the total society is composed of four functional subsystems, of which the economy is one, so the economy itself has four functional subsystems. Who is/are concerned with this statement?

(a) Parsons and Merton

(b) Parsons and Shils

(c) Parsons and K. Davis

(d) Parsons and Smelser

102. Since capital is the means of production capital is the special concern for the _______ subsystem of the economy.

(a) Adaptive

(b) Pattern – management

(c) Goal orientation

(d) Integrative

103. Labour is the particular concern of the ______ subsystem of the economy called the production system.

(a) Goal-attainment

(b) Adaptive

(c) Pattern maintenance

(d) Integrative

104. If we regard the creation of credit as a form of power and productivity as a societal goal, then we may regard capital as a contribution of the to the economy.

(a) Polity

(b) Family

(c) Education

(d) Association

105. The book: “Economy and Society” a study in the integration of Economic and Social Theory”, is written by

(a) Marx and Engels

(b) Parsons and Smelser

(c) Ross and Mauss

(d) Lowie and Herskowits

106. A system where goods are exchanged without any meeting of the two parties to the transactions.

Name this trade

(a) Perceived trade

(b) Inner trade

(c) Silent trade

(d) Concealed trade

107. Silent Trade, did occur till recent times between

(a) Lovedu and Zulus

(b) Tutsis and Hutus

(c) Chuckchee of Siberia and Alaskans

(d) Iroquis and Siouy

108. Silent Trade is a form of

(a) Barter

(b) Money barter

(c) Market exchange

(d) Gift exchange

109. Type of trade, where prices whether in kind or in money, are fixed by political authority, is called

(a) Laissez faire

(b) Administered trade

(c) Government policies

(d) Bureaucracy

110. A form of direct exchange in which some commodity – that is, some intrinsically valuable good – also serves as a medium of exchange, with fairly well recognised equivalence is called

(a) Reciprocity

(b) Potlatch

(c) Money barter

(d) Market exchange

111. One of the best examples of ‘Money Barter” is exhibited by

(a) Lovedu of South Africa

(b) Ifugao of Philippines

(c) Gonds of India

(d) Afridi of Pakistan

112. Transitional step between crude barter and exchange with ‘true money’ is known as

(a) Money barter

(b) Reciprocity

(c) Gift

(d) Consumption

113. Which among the following is true regarding money?

1. As a medium of exchange

2. As a standard of value

3. As a means of payment

4. As a store of value


(a) 1, 4

(b) 1, 3, 4

(c) 1, 2, 3

(d) 1, 2, 3, 4

114. Poverty has many dimensions, each of which must be studied separately, but which in reality constitute an inter-related network of deprivations. This is said by

(a) Ken Coatis and Richard Silburn

(b) Karl Mannheim and Richard Silburn

(c) Moynihan

(d) Goldthrope

115. The price of goods and services in poverty areas is often higher than in non-poor areas. Who holds this?

(a) David Caplovitz

(b) David Cooper

(c) Ken Coatis

(d) Richard Silburn

116. Who considers culture of poverty as a ‘design for living’ which is transmitted from one generation to the next?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) F. Engels

(c) Oscar Lewis

(d) R. Park

117. The book The Other America’ is written by

(a) Michael Harrington

(b) Lewis

(c) Miller

(d) Milliband

118. Wide spread poverty is a direct consequence of the limited effectiveness of social security provision. Whose opinion is this?

(a) Resler

(b) Wisterguard

(c) J.C. Kincaid


119. ‘Politics and Poverty’ is written by

(a) Shelter P.

(b) Herbert J. Gans

(c) Jack Jones

(d) Ralph Milliband

120. Hospitals, the catering trade, large sections of agriculture and parts of the garment industry are dependent on low wage labour. Raising wages would increase costs with obvious dysfunctional consequences for more affluent people. Thus at one and the same time, poverty ensures that ‘dirty jobs’ are done and, by getting them done cheaply, subsidizes the non-poor section of the population. Whose view is this?

(a) Edward James

(b) Pamela Roby

(c) Herbert J. Gans

(d) Head Start

121. In the article ‘America against Poverty’, who states that direct aid was the least popular anti-poverty strategy in America?

(a) Elinor Graham

(b) Edward James

(c) Halsey

(d) Floud

122. Poverty will only be eradicated with the removal of inequality in general which requires the transformation of the economic structures in which it is embedded. Who holds this?

(a) Ralph Miliband

(b) Halt

(c) Goode

(d) Wilkinson

123. A study by______ entitled ‘The Poor and the Poorest’ published in 1965, illustrates clearly that the extent of poverty depends upon the concept of poverty adopted and the measuring instruments employed.

(a) Davis and Moore

(b) Brian Abel-Smith and Peter Townsend

(c) Parson and Merton

(d) Goode and Halt



72. (b)

73. (a)

74. (a)

75. (b)

76. (a)

77. (a)

78. (a)

79. (a)

80. (b)


82. (a)

83. (c)

84. (b)

85. (c)

86. (a)

87. (c)

88. (a)

89. (b)

90. (c)



93. (a)

94. (a)

95. (a)

96. (c)

97. (b)

98. (c)

99. (a)

100. (c)


102. (a)

103. (a)

104. (a)

105. (b)

106. (c)

107. (c)

108. (a)

109. (b)



112. (a)

113. (d)

114. (a)

115. (a)

116. (c)

117. (a)

118. (c)

119. (d)

120. (c)


122. (a)

123. (b)