1. The word ‘Hindu’ as reference to the people of Hind (India) was first used by: [1995]

(a) the Greeks (b) the Romans

(c) the Chinese (d) the Arabs

2. Who among the following was a Brahmavadini who composed some hymns of the Vedas? [1995]


(a) Lopamudra (b) Gargi

(c) Leelavati (d) Savitri

3. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer (using codes given below the lists)

List I (Eras)

List II (Reckoned from)




3102 B.C.


Saka era


320 AD


Gupta era


78 AD.


Kali era


58 B.C.


248 AD.



(a) A-2;B-4;C-5;D-1

(b) A-1;B-3;C-2;D-4

(c) A-4;B-5;C-2;D-3

(d) A-4;B-3;C-2;D-1

4. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period women and sudras speak: [1995]

(a) Sanskrit (b) Prakrit

(c) Pali (d) Sauraseni

5. The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to his inscriptions is: [1995]

(a) Chakravarti (b) Dharmadeva

(c) Dharmakirti (d) Priyadarsi

6. The Nagara, the Dravida the Vesara are: [1995]

(a) the three main racial groups of the Indian subcontinent.

(b) the three main linguistic divisions into which the languages of India can be classified

(c) the three main styles of Indian temple architecture

(d) the three main musical gharanas prevalent in India

7. The term ‘Yavanapriya’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted: [1995]

(a) a fine variety of Indian Muslim

(b) ivory

(c) damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance

(d) pepper

8. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by: [1995]

(a) Mahayana Buddhism (b) Himayana Buddhism

(c) Jainism (d) The Lokayata school

9. According to ancient Indian cosmogonic ideas the sequential order of the cycle of four aeons (yugas) is: [1996]

(a) Dvapara, Krita, Treta and Kali

(b) Krita, Dvapara, Treta and Kali

(c) Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali

(d) Treta, Dvapara, Kali and Krita

10. Which one of the following temples figured in the news regarding the institution of the Devadasis? [1996]

(a) Jagannath temple, Puri

(b) Pasupatinath temple, Kathmandu

(c) Kandariyamahadev temple, Khajuraho

(d) Chaunsathyogini temple, Bheraghat

11. The river most mentioned in early Vedic literature is:

(a) Sindhu (b) Sutudri [1996]

(c) Sarasvati (d) Ganga

12. Which one of the following is not a part of early Jains literature? [1996]

(a) Therigatha (b) Acarangasutra

(c) Sutrakritanga (d) Brihatkalpasutra

13. Which of the following were common to both Buddhism and Jainism? [1996]

1. Avoidance of extremities of penance and enjoyment

2. Indifference to the authority of the vedas

3. Denial of efficiency of rituals

4. Non-injury to animal life

Select the answer using the codes given below:


(a) 1,2,3 and 4 (b) 2,3 and 4

(c) 1,3, and 4 (d) land 2

14. In the context of ancient Indian society which one of the following terms does not belong to the category of the other three? [1996]

(a) Kula (b) Vamsa

(c) Kosa (d) Gotra

15. Who among the following is known for his work on medicine during the Gupta period? [1996]

(a) Saumilla (b) Sudraka

(c) Shaunaka (d) Susrutha

16. Which one of the following sculptures was invariably used green schiest as the medium? [1996]

(a) Maurya sculptures (b) Mathura sculptures

(c) Bharhut sculptures (d) Gandhara sculptures

17. The term ‘apabhramsa’ was used in medieval Sanskrit texts to denote: [1996]

(a) outcastes among the Rajputs

(b) deviations from Vedic rituals

(c) early forms of some of the modem Indian language

(d) non-Sanskrit verse metres

18. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer: [1996]

List I List II

A. Visakhadatta 1. Medicine

B. Varahamihira 2. Drama

C. Charaka 3. Astronomy

D. Brahmagupta 4. Mathematics


(a) A – 1; B – 3; C-4; D-2

(b) A-2; B- 1; C-3; D-4

(c) A-2; B-3; C-1; D-4

(d) A -3; B -4; C-1; D- 2

19. Which one of the following texts of ancient India allows divorce to a wife deserted by her husband? [1996]

(a) Kamasutra (b) Manavadharmashastra

(c) SukraNitisara (d) Arthashastra

20. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: [1997]

List I List II

A. Gupta 1. Badami

B. Chandella 2. Panamalai

C. Chalukya 3. Khajuraho

D. Pallava 4. Deogarh Codes:

(a) A-4; B-3; C-1;D-2

(b) A-4; B -2; C-3; D- 1

(c) A-2; B-3; C-4; D-1

(d) A-3; B-4; C-1; D-2

21. Which one of the following statements regarding Asokan stone pillars is incorrect? [1997]

(a) These are highly polished

(b) These are monolithic

(c) The shaft of pillars is tapering in shape

(d) These are parts of architectural structures

22. Which one of the following scripts of ancient India was written from right to left? [1997]

(a) Brahmi (b) Nandnagari

(c) Sharada (d) Kharoshti

23. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the: [1997]

(a) Chhandogyopanishad

(b) Mundakopanishad

(c) Kathopanishad

(d) Kenopanishad

24. Milindapanho is in the form of a dialogue between the king Menander and Buddhist monk: [1997]

(a) Nagasena (b) Nagarjuna

(c) Nagabhatta (d) Kumarilabhatta

25. Which one of the following edicts mentions the personal name of Asoka? [1997]

(a) Kalsi (b) Rummindei

(c) Special Kalinga Edict (d) Maski

27. In the Mahayana Buddhism, the Bodhisatya Avalokitesvj was also known as: [1997]

(a) Vajrapani (b) Manjusri (c) Padmapani (d) Maitreya

28. The silver coins issued by the Guptas were called: [1997]

(a) rupaka (b) karshapana

(c) dinara (d) pana

29. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer usifl the codes given below the lists: [1997]

List I (Author) List II (Text)

A. Varahamihir 1. Prabandha Chintamani

B. Vishakhadatta 2. Mrichchha-katikam

C. Sudraka 3. Brihat- Samhita

D. Bilhana 4. Devi-Chandraguptam

5. Vikramankadeva-charita


(a) A-3; B-4; C-5; D-2

(b) A-3; B-4; C-2; D-5

(c) A-5; B-3; C-4; D-1

(d) A-1; B-3; C-5; D-2

30. Which one of the following was a corporation of merchant in ancient India? [1997]

(a) Chaturvedimangalam (b) Parishad (c) Ashtadikgaja (d) Manigrama

31. The Badami rock inscription of Pulakesin I is dated intl Saka year 465. If the same were to be dated in Vikrama Sanw the year would be: [1997]

(a) 601 (b) 300

(c) 330 (d) 407

32. Many of the Greeks, Kushanas and Shakas embrad Budhism rather than Hinduism because: [1997]

(a) Buddhism was in the ascendant at that time

(b) they had renounced the policy of war and violence

(c) caste-ridden Hinduism did not attract them

(d) Buddhism provided easier access to Indian society

33. The Asokan major rock edicts which tell us about the Sang Kingdom include rock edicts: [1998]

(a) I and X (b) I and XI

(c) II and III (d) II and XIV

34. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

1. Mrichchakatikam-Shudraka

2. Buddhacharita-Vasuvandhu

3. Mudrarakshasha-Vishakadatta

4. Harshacharita-Banabhatta

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes:

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4

(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3

35. What is the correct chronological order in which the following appeared in India? [1998]

1. Gold coins

2. Punch marked silver coins

3. Iron plough

4. Urban culture

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 3,4,1,2 (b) 3,4,2,1

(c) 4,3,1,2 (d) 4,3,2,1

36. Assertion (A): According to Asoka’s edicts social harmony among the people was more important than religious devotion.

Reason (R): He spread ideas of equity instead of promotion of religion. [1998]

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A

(c) A is true both R is false

(d) A is false but R is true

37. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? [1998]

1. Lothal : Ancient dockyard

2. Sarnath : First Sermon of Buddha

3. Rajgir : Lion capital of Ashoka

4. Nalanda : Great seat of Buddhist learning

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 2

38. Which one of the following ancient Indian records is the earliest royal order to preserve food-grains to be utilised during the crises in the country? [1998]

(a) Sohagaura Copper-plate

(b) Rummindei pillar-edict of Asoka

(c) Prayaga-Prasasti

(d) Mehrauli Pillar inscription of Chandra

39. The concept of eight fold path forms the theme of: [1998]

(a) Dipavamsa

(b) Divyavadana

(c) Mahaparinibban

(d) Dharma Chakara Pravartana Sutta

40. The given map relates to:


(a) Kaniska at the time of his death.

(b) Samudragupta after the close of his South Indian campaign.

(c) Ashoka towards close of his regir.

(d) Empire of Thaneswar on the eve of Harsha’s accession.

41. From the third century AD when the Hun invasion ended the Roman Empire, the Indian merchants relied more and more on the: [1999]

(a) African trade

(b) West-European trade

(c) South-East Asian trade

(d) Middle-Eastern trade

42. The following persons came to India at one time or another:

1. Fa-Hien 2. I-Tsing

3. Megasthanese 4. Hieun-Tsang [1999]

43. The correct chronological sequence of their visits is:

(a) 3,1,2,4 (b) 3,1,4,2

(c) 1,3,2,4 (d) 1,3,4,2

43. Which one of the following was initially the most powerful city state of India in the 6th century B.C.? [1999]

(a) Gandhar (b) Kamboj

(c) Kashi (d) Magadh

44. The Indo-Laws Kingdom set up in north Afghanistan in the beginning of the second century B.C was: [1999]

(a) Bacteria (b) Scythia

(c) Zedrasia (d) Aria


1. (d) The word Hindu is the Persian name of the Indus River (Sanskrit Sindhu) in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. The Persian term was further loaned into Arabic as al-Hind referring to the land of the people who live across river Indus, and into Greek as Indos, whence ultimately English India.

2. (a) Other Brahmavadinis are Vishwawara, Sikta, Nivavari, and Ghosa.

3. (d) 248 A.D. is Kalachuri era. Vikram era was started by

king Vikramaditya. Shaka era was started by Kanishka. Gupta era was started by Chandragupta-1.


5. (d)

6. (c) Nagara is North- Indian style; Dravida is South Indian style; Vesara is Deccan style.

7. (d) Yavanas were Indo-Greeks. They liked the pepper most, ‘hat is why it was known as Yavanpriya.

8. (c) Anuvrata was the five main teachings of Jaininsm – ahimsa, asateya, aparigraha, satya and brahmacharya

9. (c) 10. (a)

11. (a) The new name of river sindhu is Indus.

12. (a) Therigatha was part of the Buddhist literature.

13. (b)

14. (c) Kosa term was used for treasury and the rest of the three terms were related to family.

15. (d) Susrutha samitha was written by Susrutha. He was said to the best surgeon during the Gupta period.

16. (d) Gandhara sculptures were influenced by Greek sculptures.

17. (c) Bhramsa means Languages.

18. (c) Vishakadatta wrote a drama named “Mudra Rakshasa”.

19. (d) Arthashastra was written by Kautilya.

20. (a) Badami also known as Vatapi in Bijapur district of Karnataka. Panamalai or Kanchi in Tamil Nadu was the capital of Pallavas.

21. (d) Asokan stone pillars were meant to spread his Dhamma (not the part of architectural structure.)

22. (d) The Kharosthi script was deciphered by James Prinsep (1799-1840), using the bilingual coins of the Indo- Greeks. This in turn led to the reading of the Edicts of Ashoka, some of which, from the northwest of the Asian subcontinent, were written in the Kharosthi script.

23. (c) Katho-upanishad is the conversation between Nachiketa and Yamraj (God of death). Nachiketa was a seeker, and Yamraj was a Guru (knower of secrets).

24. (a) Milindapanho wasn’t written by one person it is the collected dialogue between the Indo-Greek King Milinda (or Meander) and the Buddhist sage Nagasena.

25. (d) Maski inscription at Raichur doab in Karnataka mentions his personal name, Devanam Priyadasi.

27. (c) AvalokiteSvara is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. He is one of the more widely revered bodhisattvas in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. In Sanskrit, Avalokitesvara is also referred to as Padmapani (“Holder of the Lotus”) or Lokesvara (“Lord of the World”).

28. (a)

29. (b) Varahmihira also wrote Panchasiddhantika; Vishakadatta also wrote Mudra Rakshasa.

30. (d) A manigramam was a large, influential guild of South Indian merchants during Western Chalukyan rulers in 10th-12th Century CE.

31. (a) The Saka era started in 78 AD, while Vikram era started from 58 BC. So if we want to convert Badami rock inscription of Pulakesin I into Vikram era, it will be 465 + 78 + 58 = 601 Vikram Sambat.

32. (c)

33. (c) No option is correct as rock edict of II and XIII should be right answer.

34. (b) Buddhacharita was written by Ashvaghosh.

35. (d)

36. (a) Ashoka’s edicts stress on social harmony among the people by spreading ideas of equity instead of promotion of religion.

37. (c) Lion capital of Ashoka is in Saranath (not Rajgir)

38. (a) The earliest known copper-plate known as the Sohgaura copper-plate is a Maurya record that mentions famine relief efforts. It is one of the very few pre-Ashoka Brahmi inscriptions in India.

39. (d) The Noble Eight fold Path, is one of the principal teachings of the Buddha, who described it as the way leading to the cessation of suffering (dukkha) and the achievement of self-awakening. In Buddhist symbolism, the Noble Eight fold Path is often represented by means of the dharma wheel (dharmachakra), whose eight spokes represent the eight elements of the path. Eight fold path includes right understanding, right speech, right livelihood; right mindfulness, right thought, right action, right effort, right concentration.

40. (c) The given map is related to the Ashoka towards close of his regin. Ashoka (304-232 BC), popularly known as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC. His empire stretched from present-day Pakistan, Afghanistan in the west, to the present-day Bangladesh and the Indian state of Assam in the east, and as far south as northern Kerala and Andhra.

41. (c)

42. (b) Fa-Hien – 405-411 CE; I-Tsing – 671-695 CE; Megasthanese -302-298 BC; Hieun-Tsang-630-645CE

43. (d) Of the 16 Mahajanapadas, Magadha, Kosala, Vatsa and Avanti were more powerful. They fought amongst themselves for years and ultimately Magadha emerged victorious under Bimbisara (Haranyak dynasty) in 6th C BC.

44. (a)