30 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Rise of Nationalism in Europe

1. The term ‘absolutist’ is referred to:

(a) Monarchical government (b) Abstract theory

(c) A vision (d) None of these


2. When and who prepared a series of four prints visualising a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’?

(a) 1804, Napoleon (b) 1815, Duke Metternich

(c) 1848, Frederic Sorrieu (d) None of these

3. What do the saints, angels and Christ symbolise in the Utopian vision?


(a) Equality among people (b) Fraternity among nations

(c) Freedom of nations (d) Resentment against nations

4. What did the Napoleonic Code of 1804 spell out?

(a) Equality before law (b) Right to property


(c) Wiping out privileges by birth (d) All of the above

5. What seemed to outweigh the advantages of the administrative changes in Europe?

(a) Forced conscription into French armies (b) Increased prices

(c) Movement and exchange of goods (d) Laws that were not uniform


6. When did Napoleon invade Italy?

(a) 1821 (b) 1905

(c) 1797 (d) 1795

7. What territories did the Habsburg Empire rule over?


(a) Austria (b) Romania

(c) Hungary (d) Both (a) and (c)

8. In revolutionary France, who were granted exclusive rights to vote?

(a) All women (b) Property-owning men


(c) Property-owning women (d) All men

9. A merchant travelling from Hamburg to Nuremberg, in the first half of the nineteenth century, had to pass through how many customs barriers to sell his goods?

(a) 20 (b) 10

(c) 9 (d) 11

10. What was viewed as obstacle to economic change and growth by new commercial classes?

(a) Absence of railways (b) Limited suffrage

(c) Customs duties (d) Reduced status of women

11. What led to the abolishing of the tariff barriers in the German-speaking regions of Europe and the reduction of currencies?

(a) Formation of the Customs Union (b) Formation of traditional institutions

(c) Abolition of feudalism (d) State power

12. Why was the Treaty of Vienna drawn up in 1815?

(a) To abolish tariff barriers

(b) To restore the monarchies

(c) To divide the German Confederation of 39 states

(d) None of these

13. Why was the kingdom of Netherlands, which included Belgium, set up in the North?

(a) To control censorship laws (b) To curb government activities

(c) To prevent French expansion (d) Both a and b

14. When were the ‘Conservatives Regimes’ set up?

(a) 1830 (b) 1820

(c) 1815 (d) 1832

15. What major issue was criticised against by the liberal nationalists?

(a) Censorship laws to control the press (b) Preservation of the Church

(c) A modern army (d) Efficient bureaucracy

16. Name the Italian revolutionary from Genoa.

(a) Mettei nich (b) Johann Gottfried

(c) Giuseppe Mazzini (d) None of these

17. Who said, “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold”?

(a) Lord Byron (b) T S Eliot

(c) Metternich (d) Giuseppe

18. What marked Greece as an independent nation?

(a) Treaty of Constantinople, 1832 (b) Treaty of Vienna, 1815

(c) Treaty of Versailles, 1871 (d) None of these

19. How did Karol Kurpinski celebrate the national struggle?

(a) Operas (b) Plays

(c) Books (d) Poetry

20. What was the result of Polish being used as the medium of instruction for preaching in all Church gatherings, in late eighteenth century?

(a) Priests and bishops were jailed

(b) Followers were tortured

(c) Preachers were forced to preach in Russian

(d) Followers were sent to Siberia

21. What did weavers in Silesia, in 1845, revolt against?

(a) Bad quality raw material (b) Insufficient supply of raw material

(c) Contractors who didn’t pay them enough (d) None of these

22. Women were admitted in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul, but only as:

(a) opposition (b) waitresses

(c) guards (d) observers

23. Who were the ‘Junkers’?

(a) Soldiers (b) Large landowners

(c) Aristocracy (d) Weavers

24. What was ‘Young Italy’?

(a) Vision of Italy (b) Secret society

(c) National anthem of Italy (d) None of these

25. Who was proclaimed the King of United Italy, in 1861?

(a) Giuseppe Garibaldi (b) Victor Emmanuel II

(c) Giuseppe Mazzini (d) Cavour

26. Name the act which resulted in the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’.

(a) The Act of Union, 1707 (b) Tax Reform Act, 1784

(c) Commutation Act, 1784 (d) None of these

27. What was the famous expedition carried out by Giuseppe Garibaldi called?

(a) Young Europe in Berne

(b) Young Italy in Marseilles

(c) Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy

(d) None of these

28. What were the contributions of the Grimm Brothers in nation-building?

(a) Fairytales (b) Folk dances

(c) Operas (d) Music

29. What is an “allegory’?

(a) Idealistic state (b) Abstract idea

(c) Art form (d) Song

30. The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe, after 1871, was an area called:

(a) Ottoman (b) Prussia

(c) Balkans (d) Macedonia

Answers for Multiple Choice Questions:











6. (c)













13. (c)













20. (a)













27. (c)





