Dynamics of Motivation in Sports :

Following dynamics of motivation work in sports:

1. Influence:

To gain or sustain motivation, one must surround himself with positive people. One’s family and friends must encourage and help to achieve goals. Also one must find a role model-whether they are an accomplished person or a struggling individual who can inspire one to attain goals.


2. Cross-

Training: Variety is an important ingredient in one’s training. If the training starts becoming stale in other sports one should choose activities that complement but do not hamper one’s training goals that keep you fresh.

3. Intensity:

To boost the training, one should change the intensity level. One can change the intensity of training sessions by increasing or decreasing reps, sets and/or weights. The intensity of work-outs can be further altered by manipulating the duration of work-outs, i.e., the frequency with which one trains in a day and/or in a week, as well as by the rest and recuperation one takes between sets and sessions.


4. Visualization:

The ultimate dynamics of motivation is to envisage what one wants in future. In a state of relaxation, one can visualize oneself and fed his/her power and strive to achieve that. Also, it is helpful to think one’s way through competition-from warm up to the end of the event doing everything properly and with a variety of different external factors. This helps one to be well prepared what it actually comes to compete.

5. Attitude:

A positive outlook towards sessions is essential to progress of one needs to remember why one started to train in first place. One needs to recall one’s goals and novelty of the sports and then try to put that drive and excitement back into current training routine.


6. Rest:

To progress and succeed in the training, the body and mind must receive proper nutrition and rest they require to recover.

Overtraining or poor eating habits drain motivation very swiftly, not to mention the fact that the body will not be able to perform to its normal level.

7. Goal Setting:


The most important task of all is setting goals. One must establish what one ,• hopes to accomplish with the training. This helps to focus energy and plan a course of action along with the coach to achieve one’s objective. A definitive purpose is the key to training motivation and success. It is important that targets are set which are challenging and realistic.

8. Partnership:

Other people can influence one’s motivation tremendously. One must ensure that one’s training partner(s) share his level of commitment. In a group situation one should try to ally oneself to those with similar drive and ambition.

Ideally one can also have support and encouragement, both physically and emotionally, if one’s family to be able to achieve the best results one possibly can.