Social change may be defined as the process in which the discernible significant alteration in the structure and functioning of a particular social system takes place. When we speak of social change we simply assert that there is some change in social behaviour, social structure and social and cultural values. We do not indicate the direction in which the change takes place. When we speak of social change as a process we imply the ideas of continuity and persistence. Different aspects of society change in different forms and this is why it is difficult to generalise about the problem of social change.There are cumulative changes in the empirical field and in application of this knowledge to the actual living conditions. In some aspects there is change in the upward direction but afterwards there is a reversion in the direction. There may be continuous increase, may be for some time. Social change may be like a sea wave with its ups and downs. In nature as well as in society many phenomena follow this cyclical course. Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee and others say that society and civilisations follow this course. There are certain major types of social change.