The position of women was not identical throughout ancient period. But mostly “the women could not lead a free life and she lived under the tutelage of her parents, her husband or her sons. However, this did not effect the position of the women in the family. The high esteem in which the wife was held during the Vedic Age is evident from the fact that she was considered the half that completed the husband. In addition to an important position in the family the women actively participated in the various social activities. This is confirmed by the ancient Indian sculptures in which women are shown with their husbands in a number of religious and secular functions. The women also took active part in the religious activities, though they could not officiate as priests. In the literary sphere also the women made valuable contribution. Unlike the medieval and modern times women were encouraged to learn singing, dancing and other arts like painting and garland making. In short we can say that though the freedom of the women was considerably restricted, it was not completely denied to them. The Sati system was probably also in vogue.