As Mohammed Tughlak had no son, his cousin Firuz Shah Tughlaq succeeded him. He ruled for almost 37 years. During these years he tried to bring peace and prosperity in his empire. He wanted to rule according to the Islamic law. Firoz tried to serve his people in the best possible way. He first re-organized the administration according to the Quranic laws, and then tried to increase the income of the state. To relieve the peasants of their sufferings, he cancelled all their loans. He received the jagirdari system. For the benefit of the cultivators, he dug many canals and improved the irrigation system. He carried out many works of public welfare. He also abolished brutal punishments such as cutting off of the limbs, etc., as they were un-Islamic. He promoted education by setting up Madarsas, A number of Sanskrit works were translated into Arabic-Persian during his reign. Firoz was a great builder. Many towns and cities like Firozpur, Firozabad and Firoz Shah Kotla were built by him. He brought two of Ashoka’s pillars from Topara and Meerut and had them re-erected at Delhi. But Firoz Tughlak was a religious bigot. He imposed jazia on the Hindus and pulled down many Hindu temples and built mosques at their sites. He was also intolerant towards the Shia Muslims.