There are three forms of government. They are Monarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy. In a monarch one man rules for the common well. The ruler is called the king or the monarch. Aristocracy is a rule of the few for the common good. Democracy is rule of all people. Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as a ‘government of the people, by the people and for the people’. Of all forms of government, democracy is considered to be the best, as all the people are involved, enjoying freedom and equal rights. India is rightly called the largest democracy of the world. India resolved to be a sovereign democratic, republic in 1950. The present preamble of the Indian Constitution says that India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. Our experience with democracy is fifty years old. One could easily now evaluate and see how far the rights, enshrined in the Constitution are implemented in practice. There is no doubt that all citizens of India enjoy political rights equally. Every eligible citizen has a right to vote; he can contest any election, and get elected and also contest as a candidate for even the highest posts of Prime Minister or President. Similarly all are eligible to get justice of various kinds. India is secular and all communities enjoy freedom of their own faith or belief. There is liberty for every citizen and everyone is equal before the law. Although we are guaranteed political rights, the governments which rule us are not in a position to provide economic rights or economic equality. However, all steps are being undertaken to remove poverty from our midst, and provide economic rights and economic equality. So far we could enjoy only the shadow of democracy, not its substance.