When India was under the British Raj, the administrative job was considered as belonging to a heaven-born service’. The administrator was a feudal lord who was dancing to the tune of the ruling class. The educationists and the teachers were relegated to the background. They had neither pay nor social prestige. With the dawn of independence all this was ‘put in the reverse gear’. Education today is accepted as the most important device to build the nation.

Educational administrators are now recruited from among teaching class, with a view to providing right direc­tion in respect of new methods and techniques of teaching, new outlook in leaching and learning and the like. The continuous flow of new thoughts and ideas come from him to cope with the rapidly changing educational needs. In the changing climate of democracy and socialism the duties, functions and responsibilities of the school administrative and inspective authorities like the Inspector of Schools, District Inspector of schools, and Sub-Inspector of schools have undergone a revolutionary change.

They are now guided by the democratic concept of supervision and administration, which emphasizes on the respect for personality. The teacher as an in­dividual is to have freedom to think, to exercise initiative, to develop self-reliance and to assume responsibility for and intelligent participation in the direction of instruction.

It again emphasizes on the ideal of coopera­tion, of the working together of teachers, supervisors and administrators to solve the problem of instruction with this democratic philosophy of education. The educational administrative officers have been assigned responsibilities by our government.