Marriage is one of the most fundamental and indispensable social institutions present in human society. This institution is designed especially to satisfy the sex needs of the individuals in a socio-cultural and legal manner. It is a special type of person to person relationship, involving mutual right and duties. It gives men and women to perform their  duties like child bearing and child caring, to provide economic support and exchange lo affection to each other. It is relatively stable and authorised institution to bind two opposite sexes and allows them to live as husband and wife. Due to this reason, probably the concept of marriage is commonly accepted as the authorised union of men and women primarily for the production of offspring. The authorization comes with the observance of a ceremony that is either prescribed by the personal or codified principles or the statutory law of the society to which they would be couple belongs. In Hindu society, marriage relation is regulated partly by personal laws and partly by codified principles. Here, certain Vedic rituals are required to complete the marriage ceremony. Hindu personal law considers the institution only sacrament. Whatever may the nature of ceremony, the idea be behind is to obtain approval. Christian marriages are regulated by statutory laws laid down by the church. Muslim marriage takes place with a sacred contract after ‘ijab’ and ‘quabul’ are formalised. The motive behind the observance of marriage ceremony is to either to obtain social approval or divine blessing.