This region spreads from Gujarat to Punjab-Haryana border. To its west is the Arid Zone Climatic Region while to its east is the Humid Mesothermal Climatic Region.

The mean January temperature ranges from 22°C in the South to 15°C in the north, while in July the temperature ranges from 25°C in south to 32°C in the north. The rainfall varies from 30 cm in the south to about 65 cm in the north.

The rainfall variability is very high in the whole of the region. On account of low and highly variable amount of rainfall the crop is hampered due to drought.

This is in fact a ‘miserable area’, miserly increasing from the north towards the south in Gujarat. The main crops that grow and have been growing from hoary past are Bajra and Jowar which do not need much water.


When due to extreme drought these two crops also fail, the people in the rural areas find it difficult to survive. Large scale migrations are common. The men and livestock perish in large numbers.

The coarse dry grasses come to their rescue by serving as feed for the livestock. The Indira Gandhi Canal constructed in the area is the only silver lining for the welfare of the people and livestock in this region.

A few thousand years ago the area was not so sandy. Saraswati and its tributaries flowed through the area and it was fertile. The dessication which set in changed the region into a full fledged desert and for the creation of this ‘man-made desert’, man himself is held responsible.