Short Notes on the Contribution of Treaty of Versailles in Rise of Nazism

The treaty of Versailles had a far reaching impact and paved the way for the rise of Nazism in Germany and World War II.

(i) Treaty of Versailles was ‘dictated’ peace. The republican government was compelled to sign the treaty under the threat of invasion. The war guilt clause, loss of German territories and colonies were-harsh and humiliating.

(ii) The treaty made provisions for demilitarisation of Germany to further weaken it.


(iii) The ceding of the coal mines and return of Alsace-Lorraine and occupation of resources of rich Rhineland aimed to de-industrialise Germany.

(iv) The clause of war compensation added additional burden to the already crippled economy of Germany.

Thus the treaty of Versailles was harsh, humiliating and devastating for the economy and national honour of the Germ In its clauses, lay the causes for the rise of Nazism.