Psychologically it is desirable to teach about the parts of machine, while teaching type-writing, only when they are to be used in learning by the students. Teacher should avoid introducing all the parts at a time. The use of cylinder knob be made only when the student wants to insert paper into machine. The use of paper margin released be taught only. When it is to be used.

For becoming a good typist the development of correct technique should be emphasised, without caring for the speed, in the beginning the typist should not allow any waste of moments.

While practicing on new keys the most essential thing is the correct stroking patterns. The correct stroking pattern be demonstrated to the students by the teacher. Correct stroking pattern can be achieved through building rapid stroking patterns. For a good typist concentration on the copies is of almost importance. For these correct reading habits be developed. It is also desirable that students acquire the capability of manipulating the parts of machine with dexterity. For this special drill is needed More practice be made on the following back-spacer key, the margin release keys, the tabulator set and clear keys, the space bar etc. The stroking of these keys is different from that of stroking of alphabet keys.

Any student who is desirous of becoming a good typist must automatise the following. For effective learning the following are very important:


1. An urge, from within the learner, to learn a skill.

2. Good surroundings which are conducive to learning.

3. Matter to be learnt is of direct concern to the learner.

4. Security, less tension and success helps in learning a skill.


5. Interest in the skill.

6. Repeat that which gives satisfaction and avoid that which annoys the learner.

7. To learn a part in life it is better to play that part.

8. Learning condition should be real and life-like.


9. Learning should be continuous and repeated.

10. The more extensive the activity of the learner, the greater will be his learning.

11. Abundant and realistic practice contributes to learning.

12. Firsthand experience makes for lasting and move complete learning.