Human beings need clear air, water, food shelter and easy mobility. As long as the human needs are small they are met out of the natural ecosystem, without disturbing the ecological balance because the ecosystem has a natural ability to regenerate itself by various natures.

The biogeochemical cycles involving movements of key chemical constituents through the earth system are essential for maintenance of life on earth. In addition to the sustenance of life, biogeochemical cycles play a major role in determining the atmospheric concentrations of active gases known as green house gases.

The biogeochemical cycles also establish environmental conditions leading to the production of oil and minerals resources. The cycling of nutrients in the ocean plays a dominant role in oceans biological productivity.

The earth’s mineral resources are of great significance to the social and economic welfare of mankind. The processes such as climatic system and the biogeochemical cycles are interconnected with the presence of water in the form of vapor, liquid and ice. Thus, the major biogeochemical cycles are vital to the life support system on the earth.