It is very essential in understanding the role of biodiversity in relation to structure and function of the ecosystem. In view of deforestation in tropical region, it is considerably very important in preserving the species and the natural ecosystem. The natural ecosystem helps to preserve air, soil and water and thus preserves the health of the environment by preventing degradation and loss of species.

The existence of biodiversity of species helps in resisting any extreme disturbances caused to the ecosystems by natural calamities. It is also essential to deal biodiversity of plants, animals and micro­organisms at the levels of terrestrial fresh water and marine systems.

A study of global and comparative biogeography may provide information regarding the role of functional properties if biotic and diversity to environmental changes and in addition, it will also help in conservation of genetic resources of wild species.

The lack of marketing facilities, lack of technical and financial support, involvement of middlemen in the business and large range of variation in the selling price of medicinal plant that keeping away farmers from the main trade.


Many pharmaceuticals have traditionally been derived from plants and animal sources. Extracting medicines from plants are worth over 60 billion dollars a year (Govt. of India 2006). The total percentage of the people in tropical areas depends upon traditional medicines. Penicillin and tetracycline and amongst the 3000 antibiotics extracted from micro-organisms. Guggal is an oleogum which is used in ayurvedic medicines for its anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and hypocholesteral activity.

Social Values :

Social value is one of the instrumental values where something which has a means to another’s end. Materialistic uses of biodiversity are the core of instrumental value that biodiversity has distinct social value attached with different societies. Goods and services provided by ecosystems to our society include:

1. Provision of food, fuel and fiber.


2. Provision of shutter and building materials.

3. Purification of air and water.

4. Detoxification and decomposition of wastes.

5. Generation and renewal if soil fertility, including nutrient cycling.


6. Control of pests and diseases.

These are the social values of biodiversity because biological resources provide the basis for life on earth including men.