The emergence of the French power to prominence and its rather abrupt mouldering from a significant episode in the history of modern India of the five great maritime powers of the 16th and 17th centuries, France was the fourth to enter upon the race for commercial communication with India. Nevertheless, though late in joining the race the might and main of the nation and the genius of the French men swiftly enabled them to move abreast with most securely planted of their European rivals.

With Colbert began a new era in the field of French colonial and commercial activities. Well calculative of the great advantages that had accrued to the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English from their holidays in India, he made it one of his greatest policies to encourage the formation of a grand company, somewhat on the English model; he wanted to open out a continuous commercial channel to India and to it he promised the utmost support of administration.

Under these circumstances was formed in 1664, the Royal Company (essentially a state concern) name “Compagnie des Indes”.