Agricultural efficiency is directly the agricultural production potential. It is the client of agricultural production per hectare for Agricultural Productive Capacity and APC is the product of agricultural efficiency land productivity. Since the agricultural effect is perfectly and inversely related to product intensity, in the agricultural system, global patterns of one of them, especially of tural efficiency, are essential to describe the ovations of its impact on other components of system in relation to its areal perspective.

In agricultural geography the term ‘agricultural efficiency’ is generally used as synonym ‘agricultural productivity’ and the methods gusted for one is invariably used for another. B the opinion of the author there is slight differs between these two terms. While agricultural productivity denotes the agricultural potentiality of and the agricultural efficiency refers to the current le of agricultural performance.

Productivity is, in f a broader term including within its purview agricultural efficiency. In the words of Prof. Sh agricultural productivity represents species which agricultural efficiency denotes genus (Shafi, M. 19 p. 148). According to him five agricultural efficiency classes may be identified: very high (above 60 per cent), high (45-60), medium (30-45), low (15-30), and very low (0-15). Punjab plain, the lower Ganga plain, eastern and western coastal parts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and coastal parts of Maharashtra and Gujarat have high and very high degree of agricultural efficiency.

Nearly 15 per cent area has recorded an increase under these categories in the last 20 years. Low and very low efficiency (below 30 per cent) areas which are situated mainly in the arid condi­tions of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka have recorded general improvement in the efficiency. This has been made possible through the use of modern irrigation-seed-fertilizer technol­ogy. The remaining parts of the country (coastal Andhra Pradesh, interior Tamil Nadu, central Madhya Pradesh, upper and middle Ganga plain and western Gujarat) fall under medium agricultural efficiency (30-45 per cent).


These are the areas where Green Revolution technology is recently been introduced. In the fertile plains of the country the agricultural efficiency has been raising by intensifying produc­tion processes through the provision of better infrastructural facilities (market accessibility and transport efficiency) with balanced price and costs economic scheme, changing crop-combinations from food-fodder based to cash-crop dominated and spread­ing the effects of new agricultural researches and their applications.

In such areas of high agricultural efficiency, the degree of production potential inten­sity is very low on account of higher absorption rate through yield-augmenting techniques (Singh, 1994, p. 134).