After Lexington and Concord, a New England Army consisting of troops of various colonies gathered at Boston in June 1775. Warran, Putuam and Prescott were the Com­manders. The Americans took position on Bunker Hill. Gage’s troops attacked the colonists and after defending against two attacks, the colo­nists were defeated.

Although the colonists suffered a defeat at the hands of the Britishers and lost their Commander Warran, it convinced them that they could fight against the British regulars if they made concerted and consistent efforts.

George Washington who was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army could not take charge until July 3, 1775 at Cambridge. On resuming charge Washington found himself to be faced with many problems. He found the army disorganized and lacking in discipline. The army was neither well-equipped nor well clad. It took more than six months to organize the whole affairs, before George Washinton planned the capture of Boston.

By this time General Gage was replaced by Gen­eral Howe at Boston and he was so lacking in energy that he created no trouble for the colonists. In February 1776 General Howe was directed to seize Dorchester Heights from where ‘Boston was within artillery range. However, the colonists forestalled him and succeeded in capturing the Dorchester Heights. Next day General Howe prepared for assault but was hampered by rains. Soon he was compelled to evacuate Boston. The fleet left for Halifax and the city of Boston fell into the hands of the colonists.