Post-Second World War was a period of liberation Movement in Asia and Africa. In Africa too, like Asia, also collapsed the colonial empires of different European countries. In fact, it was not possible for the European powers any longer to continue their hold over the colonies in Africa.

Another important thing that was responsible for the liberation movement in Africa was the solidarity among the people of different African countries.

Liberation Movement in different African Countries:

The disintegration of the colonial rule in Africa began after the end of the Second World War. Immediately after the end of the Second World War the two countries of North Africa that became independent were Syria and Lebanon.


The Syrian people had started a fierce movement against the French colonial rule. The people of Lebanon also similarly began their movement for liberation from the French rule. After the end of the Second World War the French attempted to restore its authority over Syria and Lebanon that was severely resisted by the colonial people.

The result was that in 1946 Syria and Lebanon achieved their independence. The colonial countries like Libya and Algeria, Ethiopia and Liberia also gained their independence from imperialist countries. Countries of southern Africa gradually achieved their independence after mid-1950s. Ghana, for example, previously known as Gold Coast, became independent in 1957 under the leadership of K.Nkrumah.

After Ghana the next country that achieved independence from the French rule was Guinea. In 1956 Tunisia and Morocco gained their independence from the French rule. However, before the end of 1960s almost entire Africa with the exception of Angola, Rhodesia, etc. became completely free. It may be mentioned here that in 1960s as many as 17 African states became independent. That is why 1960 was declared as the Africa Year.