In Mirambika project work implies a participative approach to teaching- learning which deals with the theme related topics and cuts across all subject areas i.e. science, social science, mathematics, language, arts, etc. The teacher’s role is to guide children individually or in groups towards the process of inquiry in order to develop certain skills in mental facilities. After the theme of the project is selected, the stages it undergoes are as follows:

1. Planning: This includes the aims. During the planning stage teachers and children express themselves freely and there is open and receptive exchange of views and ideas.

2. The activities to be undertaken in different subject areas are detailed out by the teachers and children.

3. Children are given time to decide their areas of interest e.g. Science, Language, Social Studies or Maths for which there is a respective project.


4. Each small group works with their respective teacher. The activities undertaken are not rigid and are modified, changed keeping in view the child’s interest. This provides for working with children at different levels.

5. Children in one small group work together on one activity or independently on different activities. At the end of the day the work is shared with the rest of the group/class.

6. Weekly presentation, Quizzes, Exhibitions. Role-Plays, Mock-Sessions are also held depending on the theme and the need.

7. The culminating activity of the project takes place for the entire school in the form of fairs, cultural programmes, organized by young groups where the material developed/learnt is displayed or enacted. The older children organize quizzes, exhibitions or carryout experiments for the benefits of other children.


The key characteristics of participatory approach are:

(a) Clearly defined objectives;

(b) Access to continuous learning opportunities;

(c) Experiencing real responsibility;


(d) Collaborating beyond the school and peer group;

(e) Outcomes of achievement; (I) Regular review and evaluation;

(g) Connecting to other areas of learning.

(ii) How is project work conducted in Mirambika?


The project work in Mirambika is conducted through the following stages:

(a) Selection of theme for the project;

(b) Planning of the project work;

(c) Selection of activities;


(d) Children are grouped according to their areas of interest;

(e) Each small group works with their respective teacher;

(f) Children in small groups work on one activity or independently on different activities;

(g) Weekly presentation of the project work;


(h)Final display of project work.