(i) Marxism is a scientific philosophy based upon the logical analysis of history and of the forces working in the present day society. It places before the workers a clear-cut programme of action and suggests an ideal of society. Syndicalism, on the other hand, excludes all these elements.

It seems to be all action and no thought. Marx wants that action for the overthrow of capitalism should be deliberate and intelligent. Action with the syndicalists is to be deliberate but not intelligent.

(ii) According to Marx, the struggle of the workers is a political struggle for seizure of power. After winning political power, the prole­tarians are to retain the state for destroying capitalistic structure and establishing socialism. The syndicalists, most dogmatically, repudiate the political aspect of the struggle.

They envisage a dramatic change in the social structure. They fail to understand that in the hands of the workers, the nature of the state would change and that it would no more be an instrument for exploitation of workers.