Ideal ventilation is possible only when there is sufficient pure air Ventilation is defined as the “Science of maintaining atmospheric conditions which arc comfortable and suitable to the human body.”

Ventilation incorporates comfortable and appropriate balance of gases, also optimum temperature, adequate humidity, movement or flow of air and free from disease producing microorganisms. Ventilation can be of two types:

(a) Internal Ventilation, (b) External Ventilation

Internal Ventilation:


The proper ventilation of the rooms is known as internal ventilation. The air in the room is usually stagnant, warm and humid. It is replaced by fresh air from outside which is drier, cooler and in motion.

Lack of efficient and adequate ventilation leads to many discom­forts and diseases.

When the carbon-di-oxide concentration exceeds 0 04% and reaches 0 06% the air in the room gets suffocating. Every person needs 3000 cu feet of air every hour and if the impurities in the air exceed 0-02%, the air is regarded as impure and unhealthy.

The amount of air required for efficient ventilation varies and depends on various factors like rise in the temperature, increase in humidity and stagnant air. In addition, the size of the room, number of persons occupying the space, and the impurities present in the air will decide the method of ventilation.


External Ventilation:

Fresh air flows into the house from the surroundings and open space. This type of ventilation is known as external ventilation. This is ensured by making the streets wide and straight, providing open space, parks and gardens. There should be enough space between the buildings for the proper circulation, dis­persion and dilution of air.

System of Ventilation

Ventilation Ls of two types: –


(a) Natural Ventilation.

(b) Artificial Ventilation.

Natural Ventilation

Natural forces like air, temperature, wind, etc. play an important role in circulation of gases and ventilation of the school premises which should have open spaces inside the premises with proper number of doors, windows and ventilators, ensuring free and continuous flow of air and light.


Artificial Ventilation

As compared to natural ventilation artificial ventilation is easily controlled and installed. Changes in the weather conditions, high temperatures, pollution, humidity, wind flow etc., can easily be handled through the use of artificial ventilation.

The means of artificial ventilation are remove stress coolers and air conditioners, which are more frequently, used equipments. Coolers filter the air and cool it by allowing humid air and restricting sand and dust particles.

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers are used where there is problem of humidity. Coastal areas and places where there is a lot of rain, the use of dehumidifiers can lessen the humidity from the room and make the air comfortable and healthy.


Exhaust fans also play an important role in bringing in fresh air and flushing out polluted and impure air from the room. These may be used especially in the toilets, auditorium, laboratories and classrooms.