> surya means sun and namaskara means ‘salutation’.

> surya namaskara is a set of practices that has been handed down from enlightened sages in the tradition.

> In yoga sun symbolizes the source of cosmic energy, represented by pi or surya nadi, (the pranic channel which carries the vital, life-giving for

> This dynamic group of asanas is not regarded as being a traditional hatha yoga practices as it was added to the original asana group at a time.


> However, it is an effective way of loosening up, stretching, massaging toning all the joints, muscles and internal organs of the body. Their versatility applications make it one of the most useful methods of inducing a he vigorous and active life. At the same time, preparing one for spir awakening and the resulting expansion of awareness

> surya namaskara is a complete sadhana, includes asana, pranay mantra and meditation techniques.

> By practicing in a steady, rhythmic sequence it reflects the rhythms of universe; the twenty-four hours of the day, the twelve zodiac phases of year and the biorhythms of the body.

> The application of this form and rhythm to the body/mind complex general the transforming forces which produces a fuller and more dynamic life.


Points to Remember Caution

> Do not practice in case of high blood pressure, heart disorders, hernia intestinal tuberculosis, slipped disc, sciatica and intense back pain.

> Avoid this practice during the onset of menstruation.

> Discontinue the practice if a fever, acute inflammation, boils or rashes oa These may develop due to excess toxins in the body and when the ton have been eliminated, the practice may be resumed.


Time of practice

The ideal time to practice surya namaskara is at sunrise or sunset. But it can be practices anytime when the stomach is empty.

No. of rounds

In the beginning start with 1 or 2 rounds and gradually increased up to 5 rounds.


One round includes 24 postures. Benefits

> Almost all the systems of the body, including the endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, immune systems are stimulated and balanced.

> It helps to prevent pineal degeneration and calcification.

> It balances the transition period between childhood and adolescence in growing children.


> All round development of the personality (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) can be achieved by practicing it.

Base Position – Starting position

1. Stand with the feet together or slightly apart, arms beside the body hanging loosely. Close the eyes gently and become aware of the whole physical body as one homogeneous unit.

2. Try to minimize the oscillation and balance the body weight equally on both feet.


3. Internalize the awareness inside the body and mentally relaxes each and every part of the body starting from the top of the head to the sole of the feet.

4. Take the awareness systematically through till the parts, discovering the points of stiffness, tightness, discomfort or pain; mentally releasing and relaxing those parts by using the breath and awareness.

5. Feel that you are breathing in and out from that particular part and it relax more and more with successive breath.

6. Maintaining the relax state, shifting the awareness to the eyebrow centre visualize a brilliant, red rising sun infusing the whole body and mind with vitalizing and healing rays.