Itch mite Sarcoptes scabies is the causative agent of scabies. Scabies affects the hands, feet, axilla, buttocks, lower abdomen,feet and ankles.

Itch mite is an extremely small insect just visible to the naked eye. It has a tortoise like body rounded above and flattened below. The bodi* has no demarcation as cephalothorax or abdomen. It has four pairs of legs, two pairs in.front and two pairs behind. Life cycle involves 4 stages: egg, larva, nymph and adult. Infection spreads by close contact and contaminated clothes.


It it necessary to treat all the members of the family irrespec­tive Of whether they are affected or not. The following drugs can be applied on the affected part: 1. Benzyl benzoate 2. HCH 3. Tat- Mosul 4. Sculpture ointment.