Causes of the Conflict:

Sirajucjdowla punished Shaukat Jung and Ghasiti Begum-two of his close relations who conspired against him.

Meanwhile the news reached him that one of the agents of Ghasiti Begum, Krishnadas by Name, had taken shelter under the English at Calcutta. This obviously enraged Sirajuddowla against the English.

There were, of course, other reasons for Siraj’s hostility towards the English. It was customary to send presents to the Nawab on his coronation.


All foreign merchants, barring the English, sent him gifts. Moreover, Siraj was annoyed with the English because he came to know that they had been repairing the Calcutta for without obtaining permission from the Nawab.

Annoyed at the news of sheltering Krishnadas, Sirajvddowla ordered the English to surrender him immediately.

The English refusal to obey the order led Siraj to proceed towards Calcutta with his army.

Results of the Plassey:


The battle of Plassey was more a skirmish rather than a contesting war. Clive did not encounter any challenge from Siraj’s side. Yet it is one of the most important battles ever fought in India.

First, the plassey battle established the superiority of the English soldiers and brought to the fore the weakness of the native soldiers.

Secondly, the battle of Plassey was a grand diplomatic victory of Clive.

Thirdly, the English became virtually the master of Bengal. The Nawib of Bengal became eventually a puppet in their hands.


Fourthly, during the post-plessey period the English drained so much of wealth from Bengal that her economy was completely shattered.

This drain of wealth from Bengal is known as ‘Plassey Plunder’.