The revolution of 1917 was the result of the combination of a number of factors-the incompetent handling of the world war, the disastrous med- ding of the empress and Rasputin in the work of the government, the frustration of the liberals, the growth of the industrial and agricultural discontent, the activities of the revolutionary groups and food shortage.

But the immediate cause which sparked the revolution was the serious military reverses suffered by Russia during the war. The working classes and peasants who profiled from the boom of war time had increased their power. The intelligensia came in contact with the political institutions of the West and pressed for the introduction of these institutions in their own country. For the sake of convenience we can study these causes under the following heads:

1. Political Causes in Ecomomic and reconstruction in soviet Union .

Politically Russia was subjected to autocratic rule of the Czar Nicholas II, who ruled the country in a ruthless and oppressive manner. No doubt, as a result of the revolution of 1905 a parliament had been established in Russia, but the sovereignty still rested in the hands of the emperor and his henchmen. There was no popular check on the authority of the king and the people groaned under the autocratic rule.


Even the church extended full support to the autocratic rule of the Czars through the theory of divine rights of kings. The aristocracy and the officials who surrounded the Czar were also in favour of continuing the autocratic and opposed all kinds of reforms. The Czar also secured the support of the soldiers by providing them numerous facilities which en­abled them to lead a comfortable life.

All this was naturally resented by the common people who wanted that a democratic system of government on the pattern of western democracies should be introduced in their coun­try. The people insisted on effective share in the government of the country and pleaded for freedom of speech and press as well as equality before law. However, Czar Nicholas II firmly turned down these de­mands. This naturally provoked the people to revolt against the existing system. It has rightly been observed, “The perversity of Nicholas and his blindness to the potential strength of the new forces which were surging round him produced the revolution.”

2. Economic Causesc in Ecomomic and reconstruction in soviet Union .

The economic causes played no less significant role in bringing about the revolution of 1917 in Russia. As a result of industrialization a number of factories were set up in Russia. A large number of peasants left their fields to take up jobs at these factories. However, the conditions of work were quite miserable.


They had to work for long hours at very deplorable wages. The workers were not permitted to form trade unions to bargain for better conditions of service. As a result their lot was quite miserable. The concentration of a large number of unsatisfied labourers and workers gave rise to the feeling of political consciousness and contributed to the anti-Czarist sentiments.

The condition of the peasants was no better. The Russian agriculture was still dominated by the feudal lords. No doubt serfdom had been abolished in Russia as far back as 1861 but the condition of the peasants continued to be miserable.

They had very small land holdings and carried on cultivation with the help of primitive tools through outdate methods of cultivation. However, they had to bear the burden of taxation. As a result, the peasants could not produce sufficient to meet their own de­mands, and had to lead a life of virtual starvation.

3. Impact of Liberal Ideas in Ecomomic and reconstruction in soviet Union .


The liberal ideas also left a deep impact on the minds of the Russian people. A large number of Russians, spe­cially those belonging to the middle class, came in contact with the ideas of progressive writers. They were particularly influenced by the writing of Karl Marx who pleaded for the abolition of capitalism and establishment of a regime, where the power would be in the hands of the workers and labourers. The other intellectuals whose writings influenced the Russians included Tolstoy, Turgncv, Dostovesky etc. The Russians also came in contact with the western ideas of democracy during the war.

During the war the Allies declared that they were fighting the war for the general welfare of people. The Russians were greatly impressed by this declara­tion and determined to fight for the establishment of people’s rule in their country. It may be noted that as a result of the Revolution of 1905 the people of Russia were assured some sort of participation in the admini­stration of the country, but it was not actually conceded. The people were determined to get this in actual practice.

4. Military Reverses in the First World War in Ecomomic and reconstruction in soviet Union .

The military reverses suffered by Russia during the First World War also provided a great impetus to the revolutionary movement in Russia. The people held the Czar responsible for the reserves suffered by Russia. The sufferings caused to the people of Russia due to shortage of food and heavy losses of men and money in the war further agitated their minds.


They appealed to the Czar to effect necessary improvement in the condition by assuming personal responsibility for the affairs of the government. However, the Czar did not bother about the demand and whiled away his time in fanci­ful luxuries. His officials also completely ignored the wishes and interests of the people. All this made the people think in terms of getting rid of the Czar, and provided an impetus to the revolution.