In order to encourage agriculture, the Sultan paid a lot of attention to irrigation Shams-i-Siraj Afif tells us that two canals were excavated under the orders of the Sultan. Om of them was excavated from the Sutlej and the other from the Jamuna. However, Yahiya refers four canals which were excavated in the reign of Firuz Tughluq.

The first cannal was from the Sutl to the Ghaghar. It was 96 miles long. The second canal was 150 miles long and it carried waters of the Jamuna to the city of Hissar.

The third canal started from the neightbourhi of Mandvi and Sirmour Hills and connected it with Hansi. From Hansi it was taken to Arasi where the foundation of the fort of Hissar Firoza was laid. The fourth canal flowed from Ghaghar by the fort of Sirsuti up to the village of Hirani-Khera.

The remains of some of the canals can be seen even today. Skilful engineers were appointed to superintend the canals to make their reports about the same. 150 wells were dug during his reign for irrigation purpose and also their use by travelers. As a result of the irrigation facilities provided the Sultan, many, as 52 colonies sprang up the Doab alone. Superior crops such as wheat sugarcane etc, were cultivated. Fruits were also grown in large quantities.