The reformers objected to the following practices of the Churchmen:

(a) Priests and high Church officers got their positions by corrupt and unfair means.

(b) Ignorant and irreligious people occupied important positions in the Church.

(c) Churchmen led lives of luxury and immorality.


(d) Positions were sold to those that paid the most. On occupying office, such people charged heavy fees for services they performed to get back the money they had spent for buying their position.

(e) Letters of Indulgence were sold to sinners who escaped punishment on payment of money.

(f) Any criticism of the Church was declared as heresy and led to excommu­nication and death.

(g) People could gain salvation on payment of money.


(h) Money was charged for every transaction in life and for solving all prob­lems.

(i) People had to pay various taxes to the Church like Peter’s pence, Tithes, etc. which were often misused.