a. Impact on Science:

As an impact of the-War scientific knowledge accumulated more rapidly than ever before.

Particularly in physics that the most far-reaching advances were made after 1914. The basic researches done on the structure of atom led Lo important discoveries later on.

For example, in 1937 neutron was discovered. Subsequently, further development was possible. Progress was also made in producing energy in the form of electricity.


Progress in the post-1914 period was also made in biology, engineering, -medicine, etc.

b. Impact on Women Rights:

The World War I threw out many of the conventions and attitudes of the earlier period. In every country in the post-War period there was the acceleration of the emancipation of women.

For example, in Great Britain women over 30 were given the parliamentary vote in 1918 and hardly there was any opposition.


In many countries women demanded and received the right to engage in a wide variety of occupations. Women flocked into factories and shops, offices, hospitals and schools.

c. International Co-operation:

The World War I helped internationalism. The War brought to the fore the danger of disunity among nations. The War also made clear the danger of rivalry among nations.

Thus in the post-War period countries all over the world showed their eagerness for international co-operation and assistance. It was this eagerness that made the birth of an international body- League of Nations-a reality.