The Socio-cultural Awakening of the 19th century contributed to Renaissance in nation’ this history and culture. It refashioned country’s history and the flood of new ideas ushered in an era of revolution in society, politics, economy, religion and culture. Socio-cultural awakening revolutionaries the meaning of religion.

Religious beliefs were subjected to rational thinking. It reformed and purged Hinduism from its vices and sharpened it to face the challenges of the hour. Toleration, universal brotherhood, accommodation and introspection became the spirit of reformed religious life. Indian Renaissance also brought revolutionary changes in social life.

The society itself stood to discard many of its medieval ways. Social superstitions lost ground. The socio-cultural awakening led a crusade against caste system, child marriage, female infanticide and many other social vices.

It prepared the ground for the upliftment of downtrodden, championed the cause of equality and liberation of women from social servitude. The socio-cultural awakening revived a deep interest in India’s glorious past. It led to sense of pride among the people and relieved them from the clutches of lethargy and inaction. Increasing contact with the outside world, finer appreciation of the national culture of the past age, the urge of thorough reformation in all aspects of life and society, spread of western education, have all stimulated deep and creative thought and have inspired literature and art with stirring ideals and setup fresh and higher standards. Socio-cultural awakening also influenced politics of 19th century India.


The philosophy of erudite saints and scholars instilled a burning patriotism in the minds of Indian youths and contributed to the growth of nationalism and freedom struggle. N.S. Bose has rightly reserved. “The growth of political consciousness leading to the beginning of the national movement for independent was one of the striking trends of the Indian awakening. The remarkable transformation in the life and thought of the people, a new era of social, religious and educational reforms ushered in by great men of the age naturally accelerated the growth of Indian nationhood.” The socio-cultural awakening of 19th century indeed brought a revolution in India and symbolized the birth of modern age.