From the days of yore, the northern and southern states of America were struggling against each other. In 1787 differences cropped up between the federal and the democratic classes and the economic crisis of the 19th century fanned them.

These differences ultimately took the shape of Civil War in America. The following reasons are adduced for the outbreak of the Civil War in America.

Economic Disparity

From the very beginning economic disparity was present between the North and the South America. Northern America being industrialised helped in the rise of big factories.


As these factories were run with the help of machines, the slaves did not have much importance for them.

On the other hand, the economic life of the Southern America was based on agriculture and there was dearth of agricultural equipments, the people of South relying upon the labour of the slaves.

In fact, the slaves were the basis of their success; that was why they did not want to abolish this system. Thus the economic interests of the northern and the southern states differed from each other.

There were two powerful political parties in America. One party was in favour of sovereignty of each state while the other wanted a strong central government.


The number of immigrants in the North was quite large in comparison to the South as economic opportunities were very bright in the North. Abraham Lincoln wanted to eliminate these differences and to strengthen the Federal system in America.

Slave System

By the end of the 18th century the people of America began to look to the slave trade with disdain and the slave system was abolished in North America by an Act of 1787.

But in the south it was being abolished gradually by changing the hearts of the people in place of making use of force.


But in the mean time with the advancement of industry the slave trade became a vested interest and now nobody wanted to abolish it. Gradually, the slave system became a very intractable problem in American politics.

In the declaration of Independence by George HI it was stated that Slave Trade was a sin but later on this provision was removed from the declaration.

By an Act of 1787 though the slave system was abolished in the northern part of America, it was permitted that fugitive slaves could be arrested. Perhaps the constitution makers of America agreed to the circumstances of the time.

It was admitted in the constitution that in the election of the legislature the Negro slaves would be allowed to take part but their number would not exceed three-fifths.


After this the slave trade continued for thirty years more according to Missouri Pact and by 1850 the number of the slaves reached 32 lacks.

A Fugitive Slave Law was passed in 1850 which was opposed by the northern states. Later on this Pact was completely rejected by the South.

Thus the north and the south were not unanimous on the issue of slavery. North America considered it to be a blot on the fair society of America whereas it was an unavoidable evil for the South which could not be abolished.

Neither of the two was prepared to compromise on this issue. Some thinkers were of the opinion that America wanted to extend her territory in the west in the name of slave trade.


Election of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln occupied a significant place in the history of America. With the success of Lincoln in the election, it became a certainty that the slave system would not survive in America for a long time.

Although Lincoln and his Republican party had not much stressed the point of slave system, however, the victory of Lincoln had given rise to the worry that the new government would abolish American institutions and civilization. It led the states of southern America to separate from the Union.

Atmosphere of Terror due to Political Propaganda


Those opposing Slave System had created a terror in the southern states that the historic labour system of the South would be abolished by the North. The propaganda mounted by the leaders of the North created doubt, terror, hatred and resentment in the people of the South.

The leaders of the South were endeavouring their best for the expansion of slave system; hence Abraham Lincoln had talks with Stephen Douglas.

Lincoln emphasized that slave system was immoral and unjust but Douglas could not be convinced and he emphasized that the issue of slavery fell within the provincial constitution. Hence feelings of terror spread which made the outbreak of Civil War imminent.

Separation of Southern States

The southern states of America did not take kindly to the success of Abraham Lincoln. Many southern leaders had already decided that they would not remain in the Union under the President of Republican party.

Carolina was the first state to oppose. She declared her separation from the Union on 20 December 1860. She declared that the laws of the individual independence which were passed by the thirteen northern states were not in accordance with the constitution.

Besides, the anti-slave movement of northern states had made their property, i.e., slaves insecure. On 4th March 1861 when Lincoln took over as President, seven states of the South had separated from the Union.

These states formed a southern confederacy on 4 February 1861 and elected David Jefferson as their President. They made a separate constitution of their own in which every state was authorised to separate herself from the Union.

Although the situation was quite grave, yet Lincoln wanted to avoid the blast. After his election, he declared as President of U. S. A. that there would be no break-up in the Union and her unity and integrity would be maintained at all costs. Thus, a civil war broke out between the army of Lincoln and that of the rebellious states.