Sher Shah was very liberal in the matter of making grants. He gave grants to Imams and holy men. He also patronized art and letters. Under the orders of Sher Shah, the old grants were scrutinized. He ordered Munshies to prepare the Firmans.

He examined them and sealed them himself and sent them to the Shiqdars for distribution. Every effort was made to give grants to those who deserved it. Special grants were given Madrasas and Mosques. Stipends were given to teachers and students. Free kitchens were established by the Government. It is to be noted that in the matter of making grants, Sher Shah was very liberal towards the Afghans.

Education :

Sher Shah did not interfere with the education of the Hindus. The latter were about to arrange for the education of their children in their own way. Some of the religious institutions of the Hindus were given grants in aid. So far as the Muslims are concerned, a maktab was attached to every mosque for imparting elementary education and teaching Persian and Arabic. Madrasas were set up for higher eduction. Endowments were given to new ones and the old ones were given grants in aid by the Government Scholarships were also given by the State on grounds of merit or property.


Intelligence Department

The Sarais were also used as Dak Chaukis. A Daroga-i-Dak Chauki was appointed by Sher Shah. A larger number of newswriters and news-carriers were employed and the king got daily reports regarding what was happening in various parts of the country. The system worked so efficiently that Sher Shah was able to get information from all parts of his dominion.