1. The conference of Washington solved the prolonged naval dispute of Britain and America.

2. It cancelled the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of 1902. Now not only the interests of Japan and England were involved in the problems of Pacific Ocean and the Far East, but the interests of nine other countries of Europe were recognised.

3. The greatest drawback of this conference was that Russia which was the leader of these powers was not invited at the time of this conference.

4. This conference limited the naval power of Japan and England and that of America was enhanced in comparison with Japan.


5. This conference accepted the principle of open-door policy in China. It was the victory of America.

6. China got the province of Shantung. She was authorised to devise the octroi system of its own accord. The Allies promised to safeguard her freedom and sovereignty. Thus the position of China was strengthened for some time.

7. The four-power treaty made the position of Japan quite safe; so it would be appropriate to say that Japan remained victorious in the Washington Conference but even then the military rulers of Japan were not satisfied with the treaties of Washington Conference and considered them to be dictated treaties.

But besides this America and England naval pact, other treaties proved ephemeral. Up to 1927 Japan remained a friend of China but after this she looked towards China with an aggressive mood.


It again created problems in the Pacific Ocean and the Far East. Hence, it is obvious that the Washington Conference failed to solve the political problems of the Far East.