Islam, like Hinduism, had saints and ascetics who came from Persia and settled in different parts of India. They laid emphasis on love and devotion to God. The Sufi saints were known as pirs. They did not believe in rituals or ceremonies. They were religiously tolerant and hence attracted a lot of Hindus into their silsilas.

Teachings of Sufism:

The main teachings of Sufism are:

1. There is only one God.


2. All people are the children of God.

3. To love one’s fellow men is to love God.

4. Different religions are different ways to reach God. Therefore, one should respect all religions.

5. Devotional music (qawwali) is one way of coming nearer to God.


6. Fasts and rituals are not essential to reach God.

7. There is no need for conversion. One should be a good Hindu or a good Mussalmaan.

8. People should follow the teachings of a pir for he will show the right path to reach god.