Tonsillitis is the inflammation of tonsils, which become red, swollen, tender and may be covered with creamy white pus and decaying materials. Fever rises rapidly. Sore throat and difficulty in swallowing become prominent.

Yogic Management for Tonsillitis :

After the acute condition subsides, the following yoga practices can be adopted according to capability:

Asana- Simhagarjanasana, Balance Poses, Trikonasana;


Pranayama- Ujjayi, Sheetali, Seetkari, Nadi Shodhana;

Kriya- Neti, Kunjal, Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana.

Diet- In acute phase only fruit juice should be taken. Afterwards light vegetable food should be taken.

Life style-The neck should be kept warm. Gargling with warm salty water or an antiseptic mouth wash twice a day will bring relief.