The aged individuals not only confront physical challenges they face emotional and mental challenges also.

The old age life may be a time to rest, relax, enjoy life with spouse, children and grand children but at the same time this age may be an age full of anxiety because of health and wellbeing problems, significant social and emotional changes due to loss of loved ones, isolation after retirement, boredom and loneliness.

This life often makes the elderly people feel nervous and scared of the new events of big social and mental challenges which may lead to depression, anxiety or loneliness. Along with this state of life are associated problems of adjustment to changing roles and role losses, financial hardship due to retirement, ill health and isolation.

Several studies support that regular participation in physical activities in older persons may reduce mild to moderate depression and anxiety and improve moody state of mind.


1. Improve quality of sleep.

2. Improve memory level.

3. Increase sense of wellbeing and relaxation.

4. Improve self-esteem, self-worth and life satisfaction.


5. Increase energy and satisfaction of independence – psychological, physical and social.

The contribution of modern information technology has brought to the aged persons wealth of information and resourses to make it possible for them to manage many aspects of the aging process successfully. Knowledge of nutrition, exercise and active life style are helping them to stay active mentally and physically which increases ability to enjoy these golden years.

To the older persons, today the most important thing is to develop right attitude to stay active physically, mentally and socially.

Some of the common myths of aging, such as ‘To be old is to be sick’, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, ‘The lights may be on, but the voltage is low’, The elderly don’t pull their own weight’ no longer get support from the research studies.


Studies have found older people to possess good health with fewer disabilities and infirmities, and in most cases they live their own. Research also supports that older people can and do learn new things.

Their strong mental function is based on regular physical activity, a strong social support system and belief in their ability to handle their problems. Studies also found that mental activity and physical ability are greatly affected by attitude and life-style habits.

Exercise Prescription

Before getting involved in any exercise programme, the elderly people should take note of the following exercise prescriptions:



1. Walking like light to moderate intensity exercise is usually appropriate and safe.

2. Exercising for a total of 30 minutes either in one session or more through the day should be followed generally.

3. Gradually increase of exercise duration or intensity of the effort should be followed.


4. Extremely sedentary elders should start with short duration exercise programme with very light intensity

5. Individuals wishing to go for more intense activity should first consult their physicians.

6. Recreational programmes especially in social settings are highly recommended.

7. Immediately before or after exercise hot or cold showers should be avoided.


8. Comfortable, light weight clothing and shoes are recommended for doing exercises.

9. Warm-up exercises to stretch muscles and loosen joints are recommended to lessen the risk of muscle strain or ligament injury.


A person should not:

1. Use slippery shoes for exercise.

2. Do exercise in extreme heat or cold windy, weather, high humidity, heavy pollution or at high altitude.

3. Do exercises in condition of fever or discomfort.

4. Do exercises if there is feeling of any chest pain, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, heart palpitation or an abnormal heart beating. And in such cases should immediately stop exercise and seek doctor’s advice.

Those who have lost their mobility due to reasons beyond their control or have locomotors problems can also do exercises on bed or chairs to keep themselves as fit as possible at their conditions.

Here are some examples of doing such exercises while lying on bed or sitting on chair. One thing the aged people should keep in their mind that it is never too late to start and people of any age can benefit from exercises. Only thing is to counteract their negative attitude towards active life-style and appropriate exercises.

1. Breathing and stretching:

Lie flat on your back with arms relaxed at your sides. Breathe in and reach with your toes toward the end of the bed. Feel your torso and legs stretch. Exhale. Repeat 5 times. Relax.

2. Back stretch:

Lie on your back. Reach with both arms over the head to touch the head board or wall Give your whole body a stretch. Return to original position. Repeat 5 times.

3. Arm stretch

Place your hands on your chest. Your bent arms will be parallel with the foot of the bed. Open both arms out, reaching over on both sides to touch the bed. Return both hands to chest position. Repeat 5 times.

4. Head turns:

Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the bed, arms alongside your body, palms down. Gently roll your head slowly from side to side 25 times (each side counts). Then relax for a few seconds.

5. Leg rolls:

Lie flat on your back. Bring your knees up pulling one leg at a time. With your feet on the bed, roll your knees gently 10 times to the left touching the bed. Repeat to the right side. Relax.

6. Leg half circle:

Lie flat on your back with your legs straight. Lift your left leg and circle it over your right knee to reach to the side of the bed. Circle back over knee toward the opposite side of the bed. Return to first position. Repeat 5 times. Then repeat 5 times with the right leg. Keep your shoulders flat on the bed if you can. Hip will roll as your leg reaches to the side.

7. Knee to chest:

Bend your left leg. Grasp knee with both hands. Pull your knee towards your chest. Hold for 3 seconds. Return to flat position. Repeat 5 times. Repeat using right knee 5 times.

8. Both knees to chest:

Lift both knees towards your chest. Clasp hands, hold for a count of 3. Return to original position. Relax by deep breathing. Repeat exercise 3 times.

9. Head lift and abdominal stretch:

Pull your knees towards your chest with feet flat on the bed. Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the bed. Hold for a count of one. Lower knees slowly. Repeat 5 times.

10. Leg raise:

Lie on your right side with your lower leg slightly flexed. Place your right arm under your head. Raise your left leg upward as high as you can without discomfort. Repeat 10 times. Change and do exercise lying on your left side.

11. Rocking:

Pull your knees toward your chest. Clasp your knees with both hands. Lift your head and shoulders and rock back and forth. Repeat 5 times. Cool down by repeating Exercise 1. Always get out of bed slowly.