Alcohol is one of a large group of sedative drugs. A sedative is one that produces sleep when used in large enough quantity. Alcohol is a hazards drug. It is highly addictive.

Therefore, the persons making constant use of it run risk of becoming alcoholics. Alcohol (ethyl alcohol) is found in alcoholic beverages. It is poisonous when taken in large quantities. It has devitalizing action upon the tissues. Alcohol is quantitatively absorbed by gastro-intestinal tract and through respiration releases energy in the body cells.

Although alcohol can release energy in the body, it is not considered a food because of many harmful effects it has on the body.

Alcoholism is one of the most serious problems of our society because it leads to poverty, business failure, broken homes, accidents and crimes. Alcoholism is a disease in which the drinking of alcoholic beverages interfaces with some aspect of life such as health, relations with family, friends and colleagues. Alcoholism is a problem that concerns all those who drink alcohol as well as those who do not.


The harmful effects of drinking alcohol in large quantities.

1. Large quantity of alcohol in the body affects the nervous system. It causes swelling and congestion in the tissues covering the brain. As a result normal powers of coordination can no longer operate. In extreme case it may lead to unconsciousness and even death.

2. Through the nerve cells governing the heart, alcohol increases the rate of contraction causing rapid heartbeat.

3. By acting the nerve tissues in the sense organs it can produce error and delay observing through eyes and ears. Alcohol is responsible for a very large number of traffic accidents as it can harm a driver’s perception, coordination and judgment. Due to the effect of alcohol, the driver reacts slowly response to an emergency. The time, which we usually take to respond to an emergency, is called the reaction time. IT is about two-thirds of a second under normal conditions. However, alcohol increases our reaction time. Thus, a driver who is under the influence of alcohol reacts slowly in case Of emergency and hence is more likely to cause accidents.


4. Alcohol causes inflammation (gastritis) of the stomach.

5. Excessive alcohol often damages the liver causing hepatic cirrhosis.

6. Many crimes and sinful acts are committed under the influence of alcohol as it reduces mental restrain and self-control.

7. Once a person becomes addicted to alcohol. It affects the economic condition, social life, family life and the general health of the person.


Use of alcoholic beverages should, therefore be avoided. It does not solve our problems rather it makes us unconscious of them by affecting the nervous system.