Factors that determine the distribution of population in the world are as follows:

(i) Relief Mountainous regions like the Himalayas, Rockies, and Andes have low population due to rough, rugged and lofty relief; whereas, the plains like the northern plains of India have a dense population.

(ii) Climate Regions which are either too hot like Rajasthan or too cold like Greenland have low population. On the other hand, places with moderate climate (Kerala) are densely populated.

(iii) Soil Rich fertile land supports more number of people than an infertile land. Uttar Pradesh, Nile delta, etc have dense population due to the fertile land.


(iv) Economic resources the regions having greater concentration of miner­als are industrially developed. These favour greater concentration of people.

(v) Level of technological development People settle in those areas which are technically more developed as trade and industry is well developed. People have better jobs, better earnings and therefore better standards of living, as in Northwest Europe and Northeast USA.

(vi) Accessibility of the region Regions with a good network of the means of transport and communication (land, air and sea) are more densely popu­lated than places lacking in well developed transport and communication.