Short Notes on Division of Northern Plains into Two River Systems

The Northern plains are broadly divided into

(a) The Indus river system in the west.

(b) The Ganga-Brahmaputra river system in the east.


The Indus River System in the West

i. The western part of the Northern plain is called “Punjab” plains.

It has been formed by the Indus and its tributaries.

ii. Larger part of this plain lie in Pakistan.


a. The Indus and its tributaries-the Jhelum, the Chenab, the Ravi, the Beas and the Satluj originate in the Himalayas.

b. Doabs dominate this section.

The Ganga-Brahamaputra River System of the East

iii. The Ganga enters the northern plains at Haridwar and flows eastwards.


a. After reaching West Bengal, it turns in south and joined by the Brahmaputra in Bangladesh.

b. Together, they form a joint stream.

iv. Meghna’ Meghna falls into the Bay of Bengal.

v. The confluence of these two mighty rivers forms the world’s largest and fastest growing delta-the Sunderbans.