Every place has its regional resources in the form of landscape, ecological settings, historical monuments and other places of interest. World Tourism Report throws light upon the various assets of the different ecosystems:

1) Coastal areas, including beaches, marine areas and wetlands :

Well developed beaches have the appeal and the carrying capacity for volume tourism. Marine parks and wetlands with their fragile ecosystem are better suited for adventure and special interest tourism.

2) Mountains and wilderness areas :

High mountains, forests, moors, deserts, lakes and rivers are mostly visited by tourists interested in nature or special activities such as climbing, trekking and cross-country skiing.

3) Inland rural areas :

Agricultural lands, forests, lake shores and riverbanks can provide appropriate location for country-side retreats and special interest tourism such as farm and village stays.

4) Urban areas :


Culture, monuments, special events (sponsored festivals) and special facilities for conventions and exhibitions can attract great number of tourists.

5) Small Islands :

Natural resources such as coral reef, mangroves, seagrass beds and forests in addition to the coastal and wilderness aspects of a small area may make islands especially attractive destination areas.

Block-8 of this course contains a detailed description of some of these assets like beaches, wetlands and mountains. Let us briefly look at the mountain resort as a case study of a regional asset with both-touristic and environmental significance.