In general terms, typical impacts and effects of earthquake disasters tend to be :

i. Loss of Life.

ii. Injury

iii. Damage to and destruction of property including crops.


iv. Disruption of production.

v. Disruption of lifestyle.

vi. Loss of livelihood.

vii. Disruption to essential services.


viii. Damage to national infrastructure and disruption to administrative and organizational systems.

ix. Sociological and psychological after-effects.

The following problem areas need particular attention in case of Earthquake disasters :-

i. Severe and extensive damage, creating the need for urgent counter measures, especially search and rescue, and medical assistance.


ii. Difficulty of access and movement.

iii. Widespread loss of or damage to infrastructure, essential services and life support systems.

iv. Recovery requirements (e.g., restoration and rebuilding) may be very extensive and costly.

v. Occurrence of earthquakes in areas where such events are rather rare may cause problems due to lack of public awareness.