Directions are indicated on the maps by the North-South line, with the arrow head pointing towards the North. If the north-south line with the arrow is not drawn on the map, then the top of the map is taken as the north and the bottom of the map as the south; the right is the east and the left is the west direction.

Directions are measured from the North-South line, North-East (NE). South-East (SE), South-West (SW) and North-West (NW), are the car­dinal directions between the four major directions. For example, A is located north-east of O and B is lo­cated to the south east of O. For w precise measurement of direction, measure the angular distances of A and B from O with the North-South line as the base. Join OA and OB and if the angle is of 50°, it will be expressed as North 50° east. If the angular measurement of B is 40°, it will be expressed S south 40° east.