The Physical Geographer studies glacier as a geomorphic agent that is shaping and has shaped a large number of terrains. But today glaciers are found only in high latitudes and at high altitudes.

In the present day shaping of landforms glaciers are of minor importance. It is interesting to note that only 2% of all the water available near the earth’s surface is on the surface in the solid form as ice or glaciers.

However, even this small amount of water is sufficient to cover Antarctica with ice to an average thickness of 2.5 km. It is on an average 1.5 km thick over Greenland. At present, about 10% of the earth’s land area is covered with ice.

But during the Pleistocene epoch an additional 20% had been ice covered. According to a moderate estimate, 7% of all the erosion of the land surface in modern times is performed by glaciers. Of all the agents of erosion, glacier stands second to rivers.


Glaciers of the Pleistocene have left their imprints on several millions of square kilometers of the earth’s surface., Glaciated topography is more important in east-central North America and north-west Europe.

Besides, there are many small areas where such topography as were formed during the Pleistocene Epoch can be seen today.

Now, it is commonly agreed that the Pleistocene Epoch consisted of four major glacial ages which were separated by interglacial ages of far greater duration than the glacial ages.

Perhaps, we are living in an interglacial time. Effects of the last glacial period are still apparent in many areas. Hence, the study of present glaciers makes an interesting study.