Bangladesh is one south Asian third world developing country. With a territory of 1,58,000 square k.m. area, this land has intensive pressure of large population growth, compared to the total area. As like other third world, or developing countries, Bangladesh has to face many challenges in order to ensure economical and financial stability. Among many other problems, corruption is one of the major issues, which has always been considered as the main reason for lagging behind, for such a country like Bangladesh.

It is almost four decades; the country has got liberated from Pakistan, throughout nine months of bloody battle. The birth of Bangladesh was stood on so many aspiring and motivating approach, intentions, and promises, as well. The first few years after the birth of Bangladesh (1971), was very troublesome, and that seemed as one very regular scenario for any newly liberated country. But the scenario had started gone more devastating when corruption had its influences in almost every branches of any government, semi – government or even private sector. Development of Bangladesh has always faced trouble, as corruption came as one big and the ultimate barriers of it.

It is mainly the socio economic structure, and the mindset of the people, which are being counted as key reasons for such corruption culture, here, in Bangladesh. The level and intensity of corruption has gone deeper by every single day, which made Bangladesh as the name of the top most corrupted country according to one intensive research, and analysis, don by Transparency International. The GOB (Government of Bangladesh) has one autonomous body of the Government, named as ACC (Anti Corruption Commission), with an aim to fight against the corruption. But the political legislation, and the tendency of making everything political, interrupt any continuous operation of ACC. Over the last four decades after the liberation, Bangladesh has experienced several democratic government, except on long lasting army ruling for a several consecutive years from late 70’s to early 90’s. Every political party appreciates the democratic system, and the mass people, as well. But it is only the corruption, which made the roadblocks on any sustainable development and its pathways.

Any developing country remains in short of budget, and it is a common scenario. Bangladesh is no exception of this. Besides of the earning from within the country’s internal resources, dependencies on the aid and financial help from developed countries are one major key source of finance for many different development purposes. But that too even got jeopardized, when such fund providers did discovered that, funds are not utilized in a proper way as per their expectation. The corruption in Bangladesh has gone so deep-rooted, that it has now being treated as one prime obstacle for any sort of development for this country. The main reason behind such corruption in this country is the lack of proper administrative functioning of the government, and also the ‘quick get rich’ trend, which has been developed among the people due to the lack of patriotism. This type of personal selfishness attitude has developed due to the frustration which comes as a result of poor state level functioning. The future of Bangladesh is going to face serious threat, if serious and drastic measures are not going to be taken and implemented immediately.