“We must work not only to civilised the world, not to smooth the face of the society, not to spread knowledge, not to cultivate the reason, not to turn the whole earth into heaven, but to bring down a heaven upon earth.” —Cardinal Newman.

“Work is worship” is one of those precepts that have been embodied in every religion, culture and civilization of the world. Gandhiji light- heartedly observed: “God created man to work for his food and said that those who are without work are thieves”.

Work done by an individual produces some outputs which benefit others in the society. It helps to fulfill the needs and purposes of life of the doer and the beneficiary, consumer or customer, whatever name we choose to give them. Their lives become more comfortable and satisfying.

However, if the work does not generate the right output, nothing of the sort mentioned above is going to be realized. A person who does the work feels happy and contented when his achievement brings appreciation and satisfaction for his quality work. This provides greater incentive and interest to do further quality work. This is a virtuoso cycle. One could find it happening in every part of the society. This virtuoso cycle, quality work, happier customers, happier workers and therefore, a better quality life for all, is fundamental to society’s progress.


Work is natural to man. It is work that adds meaning to life. Without it, life is dull, uninteresting and monotonous.

Honest labour is also praise and a prayer to God. Great civilization and culture are always the fruit of great toil and labour. No wonder a saint remarked, “A true spiritual aspirant will have a reverential attitude towards the duty he is entrusted with. He will carry out every task assigned to him as an act of worship by which the Lord will be pleased.

Duty is God, work is worship. Worship is not a uniform that is to be donned and doffed at stated hours of the day. Render every thought into a flower, worthy to be held in His fingers; render every deed into a fruit, full of the sweet juice of love, fit to be placed in His hand; render every tear holy and pure, fit to wash His Lotus Feet.”

Man is the crown of creation only because he is skilled and capable to do hard work. His mind can guide him to choose the right work and guide it to its logical conclusion. Work rids us of three great evils: irksomeness, vice and poverty (Voltaire).


In the Bible, there are many instances where the dignity of labour is stressed. God said to the first man and woman that they must eat with their sweat. An idle man is generally an unhappy person while an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

Nations become great when their manpower is fully and suitably employed. Without work, life is not worth living. All the great men had a special value for work and for them all sorts of work were of equal importance. It is only by their sheer acceptance and the value they placed on work that they were able to Raise and soar high in their ventures.

Gandhiji said, “Work is worship. The simple act of your work represents your dedication towards the ultimate. Praying is worthless without doing well to others, without working for yourselves and for other without earning your bread by your dedicated work.”

An insight into how important work is to us, has been offered by Doughlas Mackintosh who writes: “You agree or disagree with it, but it true, truth is the divine word: Duty is the divine law”. Thus, as truth is the realization of the ultimate, the only way of self-realisation and the realization of the Almighty, work is the ultimate law and no one can escape or break this divine law.


“Work is love made visible,” according to Khalil Gibran. Love considered an abstract term which is very difficult to explain or define but can only be experienced and used. But the easiest means to show your love is through work. Your selfless work will convey the joy and depth of your love.

In the Ishopanishad also, the importance of work has been highlight in these words, “Only by performing work, one should desire to live hundred years,” meaning that work is the only course to a healthy body mind and soul and thus, gives energy to cope up with our shortcomings and disparities.

Vivekananda said, “Get up and set your shoulders to the wheel”, which implies that everyone should be duty bound, whatever world may be, one has to work, “Rich rewards will come to him, who works with a smiling vim” (Anonymous).

But in practical life we observe that the term “labour” is considered ignoble. The literal meaning of labour is “one who works”, so anyone who works is a labourer. Why then it is not considered reproachful and shameful? This is only because we have understood the dignity of work or the true meaning of work.


Vivekananda said, “Every duty is holy and devotion to duty is the highest form worship of God”. This statement explains the respect and honour of labour It is considered as one of the highest forms of worship; still all sort: labour is not given due consideration. Why? Ask and seek the answer yourself. Is unemployment a result of this disparity? Are human rig and dignity being violated because of these differences? Ask the child what they want to become? They will immediately answer that they want to become pilots, engineers or doctors. No child would aspire to become worker or would like to take up any manual work. Why this craze? ] pause a while and think about it.

Right from their childhood, children are taught to aspire high posts. At home and in school, they are not taught about various kinds of work and the respect and dignity of labour. This is the prime reason for all dissatisfaction and frustration among teenagers when they fail to attain and accomplish their goals and when they are forced to do work below their aspirations.

We should consider work as a high human attitude, which is the prime basis of human life and the most dignified act in the life of a human being. In Colossians (3:23) it is written, “Whatever your work is, put your heart into it”. Work ought to be free and creative. Every human ought to be proud of it. Augustine of Hippo very rightly said: “Where love is, there is no labour and if there be labour, that labour is loved.”

Even Pope John Paxil remarked, “Love your work, and love the people with whom you work. From love and goodness will spring also your joy and your satisfaction. Through work, man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed in a sense becomes more than a human being.”


Everyone has a job to accomplish with dignity. This division of labour is for the proper functioning. Moreover, we should keep in mind that everyone is not capable of doing all sorts of work. God created each one in a unique way and gave unique talents and abilities to everyone.

Some are good administrators while others are good artists or good servants. There is no need for anyone to get perplexed. Social recognition is another reason for the dissatisfaction or disparity at work. Society gives certain grades to certain kinds of work according to the money one is earning, forgetting the differences in I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient), qualification, interest and capacity.

The society compels the individual to seek a particular kind of work, sometimes even against the interest of the person concerned. The so-called job satisfaction is possible only when mutual respect, recognition and appreciation blossom in the place and among the people of work and society.

The true dignity of work is not in the type of work that one does but the enthusiasm and interest one show to do the work assigned. In other words, self-conviction of one’s work and intimate trust in one to carry on the work in a desired manner with originality, creativity, devotion and enthusiasm determine the level of satisfaction.


As Tagore said, “God is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground and path maker is breaking stones. He is with the Sun and shower.”

Yes! God will always bless and guide all those who make their work useful and important for the world. However menial the work may be, all kinds of work bring along an undying dignity.

To sum it up, I would like to quote the following poem (published in the September 18, 2005 edition of The Hindu):

“Work, for the night is coming, work through the sunny noon, Fill the brightest hours with labour, best conies sure and soon. Give every flying minute, something to keep in store, Work for the night is coming.

When man works no more.”