The Principal is the keyman of the school guidance services. Even what the classroom teacher is able to do on his own varies with the Principal’s personality, point of view, and knowledge of guidance. Some teachers say, “I could do more effective guidance if my Principal must exemplify guidance in his day-by-day personnel relations with parents, teachers and pupils.

Teachers may expect the Principal to understand the nature of guidance and to have a vision of what if may accomplish, to develop the guidance programme cooperatively with his staff, and to carry out the will of the group. It is his responsibility to select new faculty members who have the guidance point of view, to educate and obtain from his Board and the public the necessary financial resources, to provide necessary time and, to release the creative energies of every member of his staff.

The Principal work with his staff members as individuals and also sits with various groups and committees as a listening non-dominating member. His personal contacts can be most effective. Most teachers appreciate having someone with whom they can discuss a problem at the time it is uppermost in their minds.

In a group meeting, the Principal who knows the principles” of group work, understands his teachers and has established a friendly personal relationship enables each to make his special contribution and to express his opinions and feelings without fear of being censured or ig­nored. The Principal tries to present the positive concept of guidance individually to a teacher who has taken a negative attitude toward it.


A staff member who expresses a strong conviction in a meeting may feel bound for consistency’s sake, to persist in his initial point of view even though he would now like to change it. It is up to the leader or the other members of the group to avoid pushing any member into an ideological corner from which he will find it hard to retreat.

The Principal also services as a sort of supply depot for ideas, time, materials and special services. If some of the teachers have had no guidance courses in their teacher education, and others want to improve the guidance work they are now doing, the Principal will provide in-service education.

Clifford Froehlich in his book “guidance services in schools” has suggested the followings as the functions of the Principal.

1. Recognize the need and importance of a comprehensive guidance programme and give in his personal support.


2. Make his staff cognizant of the value, functions, and problems of guidance.

3. Provide suitable quarters and facilities for the guidance service.

4. Arrange the school schedules so that counseling service is possible for all pupils.

5. See that ample time is allowed for the counselor.


6. Make adequate provision in the budget for carrying on the guidance programme.

7. Establish and maintain a cumulative Record system.

8. Establish a plan of in-service training for members of the staff.

9. Offer special inducements and recognition to counselors in the guidance programme where extra-services and training are required.


10. Work-out and coordinate the guidance programme co-operatively with members of the staff.

11. Evaluate the guidance programme in cooperation with the staff to determine its effectiveness.

12. Give desirable publicity to improve school, home and community relationships.