Back in the oldest times crows were known to be wise. Also, they are believed to bring bad luck. Today researchers have proven that they are smarter than most apes and are actually very agreeable creatures.

Crows are extremely intelligent. New Caledonian crows are known for not only using tools but making them. For instance, in an experiment with Betty the Crow researchers put meat in a cup and left a wire next to it so that Betty could get it, but they forgot to hook the wire. So Betty turned the wire into a hook and got the bait.

Also, crows can use a method that no other known animal except for the human race has used before: they use tools to get other tools. Some crows can even solve arithmetic problems. Joshua Klein a computer researcher tried an experiment. He made a vending machine for crows.

Joshua wanted to see if the crows would through a few different stages of vending machining. First, Joshua made it so the vending machine spit out peanuts automatically. Then when the crows got comfortable with that he changed it so the crow had to shove a coin in to get a peanut. This proves that crows can learn on their own just like humans.


Crows aren’t only smart have they human emotions. For instance, they do not only mate for sex appeal they mate because they “fall in love”. After mating the male and female will still love, protect, and even mouth feed each other. Their relationship is usually lifelong. This “love” feature may be a sign of evolution; a step towards us.  Crows also have a kind of funeral ceremony: they sit on a tree in front of them, the body of the dead crow. They would take some time and sit in silence and then take off. Crows love to have fun. They would fly up to a dry line and unclasp the laundry afterwords making a type of laughter sound. Crows, like humans can get addicted.

Humans can get addicted to drugs crows can get addicted to warfare. Once a crow saw its reflection on a window and would attack it each time it saw the reflection until it was covered in blood. After a week the crow died from weakness.

Joshua Klein said in his talk about crows, “Crows don’t only live with humans they thrive with them.”  This can be proven: Crows are found everywhere but Antarctica and the North Pole. If someone goes to a place where there are not many people they would be amazed to find very few crows. Crows make their nests no more than 5 km  from human population. Crows are omnivores. That is why they thrive with humans. Their litter and trash can serve as  a wonderful food supply for crows. This makes a mutual relationship: Crows get their lunch; humans get their streets cleaned.

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