Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. Aryabhata and Varahmihira the two great astronomers contributed a lot to the science of astronomy in the Gupta period.

Aryabhatta was the first astronomer to discover the truth that (i) the earth is a sphere,

(ii) it rotated on its own axis causing day and night, (iii) the eclipses were not the work of “Rahu” but were caused by the shadow of the earth falling on the moon.

Thus, Aryabhatta proved himself to be a pioneer In the science of astronomy. Certain other scholars such as Lata Pradyumna, Ujayanandin contributed further to what he did. Ultimately, ” Varahamihira ” took all that to the peak. Varahamihira, was the greatest astrologer of his age.


His work on astrology, “Brihat-Samhita” is an encyclopaedia of all useful information in various branches of knowledge such as -astronomy, physical geography, botany and natural history,” “Pancha- Siddhantika”, “Brihaj-jataka” and “Laghujataka” were other his works. “Pancha-Siddhanatas, Romaka, Paulisa, Vasishtha, and Surya.

All these five Siddhantas were considered to be authoritative in his own days.” Besides, many other scholarly works such as “Shatpanchasika” and “Vaisisthasiddhanta” were also composed during this age.